• SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Yeah exactly, trump supporters who arent like white supremacists have been fooled. They know that the system is wrong, but they have been fooled that “coastal commie liberals” are the problem, not capitalism. I mean, you should just listen to Maupin and see for yourself. I have never heard him say anything “problematic”. People call him a fascist because hes an american patriot, but weve already seen that thats bs. Now there are some people associated with him, such as Infrared, that do have certain problematic opinions, such as homophobia or using alt right rhethoric (“globalists” “cabal” “degenerates” and so on), but Caleb doesnt share those opinions.

    • CITRUS@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      I am watching one of his lectures right now and he seems pretty based afait. Is it Yankee MLs who are calling him a Nazbol? I mean sure he has the look and voice of an alt right but that’s just surface level stuff, I’ll follow him for a while and go through his stuff to really catch glimpse of him. Him come there’s pictures if him with fascist tho, I can understand an interview even if is not the best execution but why is there pics with them side by side? Again no bloodlust just curiosity

      • SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Yes, its american leftists (both MLs and Vaush type liberals) who call him nazbol. What fascist do you mean? Alexander Dugin? If you mean Dugin, first of all Dugin isnt a fascist, hes more of a feudalist/monarchist i would say, he wants to restore the russian empire, but he isnt like racist, he doesnt wanna exterminate other ethnicities like nazis do. Definetely a reactionary, but not a fascist. Afaik Caleb has associated with Dugin a few times for antiimperialist purposes, but doesnt share his beliefs.

        To see Calebs positions i recommend this short talk he had with Vaush. Spoiler alert, Vaush calls him a nazi for not believing the uyghur genocide and supporting China xD


      • SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Also to add on Caleb, id say he has a good track record of being a progressive activist. He was an important figure in the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protests. He has traveled to many progressive countries like Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Russia and China, met with their leadership (low level leadership, like diplomats and ministers) and shown their support for them. He has worked at RT and PressTV for many years. He also traveled to Yemen to report on the brutal crimes committed by the US backed Saudi army.

        • CITRUS@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          So I am almost done with that Vaush debate and he seems just like a normal ML. So people are frustrated that he even mentions patriotism? Wow. It also seems that unaffiliated groups with actual issues, are associated with Caleb for no reason then, right?

          • SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
            2 years ago

            Yeah, as far as i know, hes a normal ML. This is why i never understood the insane hate he gets over here. Pretty much the only difference with people here is that he supports patriotism and hes against land back. Keep in mind tho, that hes not against it because “hes racist against indigenous people”, but rather because of 2 things. First, he believes its unnecessary, since under socialism wealth and land would be redistributed, thus erasing the economical consequences of colonialism, which is what land back is about. Second, he believes that calling white americans “settlers” who need to be “decolonized” makes communism unappealing to white working class americans, so he opposes land back. Now you can agree with that or not, i personally support land back, but nevertheless its a minor disagreement.

            On Caleb associating himself with certain movements, its important to understand this. Caleb believes that, since after the collapse of the USSR communism was weakened so much, and especially in the USA, that a tactical alliance of communists with other groups with shared goals is needed. This is not something unique to him, the Russian Communist Party formed together with nationalist parties (including Dugins nazbol party) in 1991 the “National Salvation Front”, a broad antiYeltsin coalition containing communists, socialists, nationalists, nazbols and ultranationalists. They had very different ideologies, from far left to far right, but had 1 goal, toppling Yeltsin the US puppet. Caleb believes this should be done in the US. For example, he has advocated in the past for an alliance between the left and antiwar libertarians/republicans such as Ronald Ernest Paul or Rand Paul. This is why he supported Donald Trump in the 2016 election, because Trump claimed to be antiwar. Ofc that turned out to be a lie, Trump continued the wars in Syria and Yemen, threatened China and assassinated Qassem Soleimani.

            So, for the reasons above, Caleb has a kind of “open door policy”, meaning that as long as you are opposed to western imperialism and arent a literal nazi, he will be willing to cooperate with you. This is why he associated with Dugin for example. Dugin is anticommunist, but is also antiwest. Caleb also has a think tank called CPI (Center for Political Innovation). There the policies are stricter, its an explicitly ML antiracist antiimperialist organization. Nevertheless, the organization doesnt take a stance against social conservatism, because Caleb believes the USA communist movement is weak enough to split it even more over abortion or LGBT rights. So yes, you do find some CPI members who are antiabortion or bigoted towards LGBT people. Caleb doesnt share those views tho.

            • CITRUS@lemmygrad.ml
              2 years ago

              On land back I just don’t know that much about it and I think I lean towards it it’s just that I don’t know what land back wants to do with white people, again just don’t know enough. Now with Maupin’s open door policy I agree overall that the western left is weak and has to make concessions. To be against CPI because it has some socially consertive members seems dumb. Fascism here is getting more and more comfortable and if you turn away anybody with conservative views it’ll just push them to fascism. That is why socially consertive views are target towards what oriental ists call “white trash”, to keep the working class separated. Under a socialist group they can actually learn and grow, instead of mass murdering trans people. I am mainly speaking out loud to myself here, writing down your thoughts let’s ya process, and a discussion let’s ya comprehend. Anti-imperialism is extremely important to US worker patriotism cause of the inability of a nation to be sovereign while oppressing nations, includes the patriotism being compromised while oppressing other patriotic nations, and only patriotism embracing eachother can it be sovereign and hence international. Also why is that people say he’s pro US if he’s an obvious anti-Imperialist? Thanks for getting me to watch Maupin, I would eventually but this helps with some clear understanding going in.

              • SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
                2 years ago

                I agree. Most communist parties worldwide are socially conservative. Besides, the socially conservative CPI menbers arent advocating for killing gays or anything like that, they are just bigoted and against LGBT rights movements, which is wrong sure, but is not fascism, nowhere near it. To not work with MLs who are socially conservative is just stupid, we must unite for antiimperialism and socialism. Once there is economic progress under socialism, there will also inevitably be social progress. What is “white trash”? I dont know what that is. People say hes “proUS” because they think patriotism=supporting your government, which is just wrong. No problem mate, happy to help!

                • CITRUS@lemmygrad.ml
                  2 years ago

                  Well it seems you have enlightened me or I guess helped confirm my values on patriotism, I will keep on watching Maupin as he is at worst trying to get a labour movement going. Now on “White trash”. White Trash is classist term, with a blowback of racism, to depict blue collar and rural white people, a huge chunk of the physical working class, as illiterate cousin-fucking rednecks who are a social hinderence and public nuisance. The term “trash” is calling poor people dirty and disposable, while “white” implies as a modifier that being “trash” is reserved for nonwhites and that it is improper for white people to be poor or has lower socioeconomic status. This pushing away of poor white people radicalized them into fascism, and fascism makes them more likely to be pushed back, a sort of positive feedback loop. But why is it used then? Well libs can’t be rascist anymore and they hate poor people above all else, so the only group that’s socially available to be better than are the “white trash”. “Leftist” use it either inherited from being libs or more usually a hatred for the white trash as having backwards social view, without realizing when being excluded pushes them to fascism. For pop culture think a range from Larry the Cable Guy, to early Eminem (a more urban depiction), to Dukes of Hazard, to I forget his name but the hick in the Simpsons. This is a wound of working class solidarity in the States that needs to be addressed.