• @Godless_Nematode
    62 years ago

    Oh, the irony as half the targeted ads on the linked page were for a golfing site.

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    42 years ago

    People seriously underestimate the role that the climate breakdown is going to play in the collapse of the US empire. Rapid loss of arable land, infrastructure damage, and fresh water shortages are going to leave large swaths of the country completely unlivable. This will result in huge migrations of people, and potential breakdown of supply chains creating a cascading crisis.

    • @TeezyZeezy@lemmygrad.mlOP
      42 years ago

      Agreed. Alot of people understand that climate collapse is a real thing but don’t really grasp the full picture of how large of an issue it is and, like you said, the role it will play in collapse. That or they push it to the back of their minds and continue on their lives of comfort, myself included (though I am getting better).

      I’m trying to make a network of people who can become self sufficient with me but so far many people blow me off or call me a doomer with no further conversation. I can’t do it alone, obviously.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        42 years ago

        I definitely agree that this is still abstract for a lot of people right now. Humans have an incredible capacity for ignoring developing problem until they become personally affected by them. Unfortunately, in case of climate change, it’s going to be too late to do anything at that point. Creating networks of like minded people to support each other is definitely a smart approach.

  • @pingveno
    42 years ago

    The one upside is that some of climate change deniers are finally figuring out that maybe those sciency people knew a thing or two. Unfortunately, too many are still clinging to the notion that humans totes didn’t have anything to do with it. Because if the sciency people were right that one time, surely they can’t be right twice!

  • erpicht
    12 years ago

    I’m glad lawns in the suburbs still have to be green though! Kentucky bluegrass is just oh-so-vital to Colorado’s clime!

    I dearly hope for more widespread xeriscaping soon. Lawn sprinklers are a waste of water.