クロスポスト: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/271399

90 percent of the event was great, sold a lot of books made a lot of connections. That was until some anti-civilization Anarchists flipped out table and stole our shit. Twice. The first time everyone saw it wasn’t our fault, even some wobblies came and helped us. The 2nd time we weren’t so lucky and they kicked us out. The organizers of the event were too blinded by their Anarchist bias to see that the people breaking our shit were obviously in the wrong. It’s not like we crashed the event, we payed 90 bucks to have a table. Even with this BS we still made plenty of money and connections. They think this is some victory and are gloating about it. PCUSA is rising and some people aren’t happy about it. If it wasn’t obvious that Anarchists are synthetic glowies movement before, it sure is now.

  • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
    3 years ago

    “Anti civilization anarchist” is some dumb sounding shit. God what a useless meme ideology. Those little shits need to taste some hands, breaking and stealing shit from people trying to make the world better, bet they would never do the same thing to a liberal/conservative/fascist event table.

      • darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml
        3 years ago

        Worst than fascists in a way and should be dealt with in the same manner IMO. By contrast even most fascists don’t want to kill everyone who needs medicine or modern supply chains to survive yet 100% of an-prims want a world where people like that just die and countless others suffer. In terms of pure body count an-prims would handily win over fascists if both got to enact their dream world and that’s saying something.

        The an-prim world is a world where smallpox couldn’t have been eliminated, a world where diseases run rampant and science is reduced to unorganized largely snake-oil nonsense. A world where if your local area has a famine you just die because there are no supply chains, no organization, etc. Where anyone with glasses suffers from an inability to see, where the worst individualistic and alienated individuals with their worst impulses are set free to steal, destroy, rape, kill anyone not under some protection. And on and on with environmental disasters, petty violence and banditry, etc.

        Fascists defend capital and seek violence against marginalized groups and the left. An-prims are black-pilled fully nihilistic anti-human ideology imbibing reactionaries. Whereas Marxism and communism stand for progress and championing the human and human civilization and industry, these people want to tear down all of human progress in search of some nonsense. They are in all ways that matter the antithesis of Marxism. In practice of course they could never achieve their goals or even come close so they’re just useful tools for capitalists.

          • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
            3 years ago

            Yeah, I think there is definitely a distinction to be made between these clowns and people who merely are already living in tribal societies. I guess one key difference being that (afaik) tribal societies aren’t trying to destroy the rest of the world, only not be destroyed themselves.

            And, like, that’s the thing. If socialists succeed, capitalism is destroyed and the super abundance of communism is materialized, I’m sure these anti-civ anarchists / anprims could get a stretch of land set aside for them to play caveman in without being disturbed. They’re ironically trying to destroy the one ideology that might lead to a world that might tolerate them going to some dark corner to be insane.