This is a challenge to encourage some regular theory reading alongside the usual posting. While it is good we are producing a front against the liberals online, it is good to also enrich our understanding of what we fight for, and become talented and true Marxist Leninists! It will be hard work rebuilding our reputation, but we shall, one essay at a time!

I will be reading The Press by mah boi Stalin! And The Anniversary of the Lena Massacre also by Stalin. You can also share your own works if you have any for proofreading!

  • Water Bowl Slime
    62 years ago

    I’m reading How to Read Donald Duck by Dorfman and Mattelart. It’s like a topical video essay, but in book form.

  • This week I’m continuing my project of reading every work published by public health and policy expert Vicente Navarro, one of the few analysts to evaluate healthcare through an explicitly socialist lens. I look forward to hearing what everyone is reading so I can add more theory to my reading list!

  • Okay hi hello hey there yo, I listened to trade unions, the present situation, and trotsky’s mistakes and I’m currently listening to origins of family, private property, and the state!.

    Poor lenin said he was a bit sick in the introduction of the first text and he was apologizing for it which I found a bit funny. He critiques Bakhunin’s (iirc) of industrial democracy. It supposes that a worker base is all that’s needed to free the proletariat from capitalism.

    This got me thinking about the current wave of labor organizing in America. I think all labor organizing has the potential to add towards future building, but we also need to be aware of the limitations of certain things and also recognize our own weaknesses in not front lining these organizings (at least here in the west).

    Mr. engels is one very talkative guy. He has such a dry sense of humor, but I feel like he was laughing his ass off when he was shitting on a number of anthropologists with shitty ideas. Not really strictly theory, but I thought it’d be a nice listen.

      22 years ago

      Those are some good picks and your quite right about labor organizing having its limits making the need for a Vanguard party obvious.

        22 years ago

        Agreed though I do have some problems with him on how he puts his theory into practice. This is more in regard to the isolation of Albania from the world in general. Even so his criticism of Yugoslavia, the USSR, and Mao (China in general) seems to be on the mark.

            22 years ago

            Yeah, he does I actually love his writing for this particular reason it’s kind of the feeling I get when I see a knife cutting through butter.