You know I'm a committed user of the fediverse, perhaps this post will surprise you. Still, at some point the truth has to be told, before lying leads to a catastrophe. I think I've been present in the fediverse (sometimes hosting a pod of some software and sometimes not) since
Oh that’s pretty cool, thanks for sharing! I was not aware this had caught on so please don’t take my initial comment as a sarcastic dismissal but rather as a lack of awareness :)
I just followed the link to your blog and i really like the design. Also i liked what i read, especially about contract-based dependency management. I myself had some thoughts (just raw notes with lots of typos/mistakes not a published articles yet) on the topic (about how to specify API/CLI contracts as part documents readable both by humans and by machines) and i’d be thrilled to discuss it further and maybe actually start implementing something (i’m part-time hacking on a SSG, a DIY CI/CD system, and a selfhosting distro and i could really use some specification/testing system that’s not overtly complex).
Hope to see you around on IRC/XMPP maybe?
Aww, thank you!
Perhaps we need a Lemmy community for that kind of stuff? 🤔
Oh hah, I used to (I even ran several XMPP servers back in the day). Now I am on Matrix, as this is just the easiest for me. And fedi, of course.
I don’t think it’s exactly the right tool for the job, but it’d be better than nothing. I’m personally interested in tooling that would help bridging the gap between curated info (like a wiki), long-lived discussions (mailing-list/forum) and instant messaging (chatrooms), but i don’t know any tool that would help with that yet.
Just curious: how is Matrix easier as a sysadmin? I’ve personally heard quite opposite feedback. Do you have maybe a bifrost instance on that i could reach you through? Otherwise i’ll try through a public instance :)
Take care <3
Easy: I don’t run it. Simplicity for me comes not from how easy it is to sysadmin it, but how many communities I am a part of use it. IRC, as much as I hate to say it, is slowly dying away (FreeNode shitstorm did not help here), and XMPP is not great at creating community spaces. So, Matrix it is for me.
No clue what bifrost is.
That will probably work best.
Yeah i agree. I started talking/drafting about XMPP Spaces a few months back. Hopefully i can find time to implement that in a client/server sometime :)
I added you on Matrix via gateway. bifrost is a matrix<->XMPP gateway but unfortunately the official instance is really bad bad bad but from what i hear the fork runs much better…i guess we’ll see!