Technically, as much as I dislike it, there is nothing in liberalism to predispose a person towards racism.

Then why are so many self-proclaimed liberals/pro-western people so goddamn racist/chauvinist towards anything eastern?

Furthermore, Eastern liberals often hate their own country and get a hard-on for NATO/US invading them.

  • I would actually argue that liberalism has long been intertwined with racism.

    Early forms of liberalism were enamoured with the “advancement of civilization”. Naturally, liberal opinions merged these concepts with pre-existing colonialist aims.

    This merger led to leaders claiming that colonization was a mission to bring “civilization” to the “savages”. This really is exemplified in Rudyard Kipling’s “The White Man’s Burden”.

    While it was written many decades after these ideas started forming, it shows that even by the late 19th century, as slavery was deemed immoral, despite the continued exploitation of colonized people, the idea of the “civilizing mission” was still alive and well.

    This continues to this day, albeit covered in different terms. Gone are the times of “bringing civilization to the savages”, replaced with “liberating those poor people from their evil rulers, who are innately evil, and need guidance from the Western liberal democracies, because clearly they are incapable of governing themselves”.

    As for eastern liberals, “You are not immune from propaganda” remains true. The US and its allies have spent billions of dollars, all in order to engineer one of the greatest propaganda campaigns in history. Remember! If anything bad happens, it’s because you were communist! If anything good happens, it’s because of the west’s mercy, and the wonderul capitalism it has brought you.