I’ll go first: r/kitty. One of the hundred grillion cat subs back on Reddit, the culture in this one was you posted a cat picture, and the only word allowed in the title or in any comments or replies was “Kitty.”

Someone is using that subreddit for covert communications, I just know it. Either on the level of “if u/PM_me_your_nostrils posts an orange cat, we attack at dawn!” or there’s some steganography going on with the pictures, but that subreddit was too stupid to be as active as it was.

  • kittenzrulz123@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    16 minutes ago

    Heres my conspiracy theory:

    Political extremism isn’t real (specifically in regards to left wing “extremism”). Its a social construct created by the capitalist class to convince workers that left wing ideologies are scary and having your elections be between two liberals is “normal”. If you ignore that ideologies like Anarchism become common sense. Why do we need lords and masters, why do we need the tyranny of capitalists and the cruel rule of “democratically elected” leaders? Ultimately we do not, the economy would be better if it was owned by the workers and world better if every person was free to be the master of their own life. Capitalists and politicans fully understand this, thats why they pump everyone with propaganda so they can keep their positions of privilege and power.

  • PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world
    25 minutes ago

    Alex Jones was a CIA plant, to make conspiracy theorists look crazy… And it worked really really well.

    The government was nervous because there were some conspiracy theories that were a little too close to reality. Shit like MK ULTRA and the Harvard mind control experiment sound fake, but we have the declassified docs. We know they happened. And there were lots of conspiracy theories that were likely hitting just a little too close for comfort. But outright disputing the conspiracy theories would just add credibility to them, in a “methinks the lady doth protest too much” sort of way.

    So instead, they set out to discredit the people making the claims. They wanted to poison the well. So they found a dude named Alex Jones who had potential. He’s easily manipulated, so they can basically feed him wild conspiracies and he’ll eat them up. And all they had to do was boost his message. Jones never even needed to knew he was a plant, (and in fact, it would work better if he remained clueless.)

    They gave conspiracy theorists a face. Before Alex Jones, conspiracy theories were something the average person jokingly threw around while drunk at the bar. But suddenly, conspiracy theorists were up front and center. And here’s the important part: the theories didn’t have a good spokesman. Suddenly, the average person’s view of conspiracy theories shifted. They weren’t funny anymore; They had your crazy uncle ranting about dead kids being fake.

    By giving conspiracy theories a face, then having that face spew the most insane bullshit alongside the true (or nearly true) theories, the government was able to discredit the true theories. They were able to poison the well, because the main person ranting about the conspiracy also thinks Sandy Hook was a hoax.

  • noughtnaut@lemmy.world
    3 hours ago

    So many people believe that Covid was a way to scare us all indoors, so they could change batteries in all the birds.

    That’s preposterous.

    Birds use rechargeables, that’s why they’re always sitting on the power lines. Like, duh, wake up sheeple.

  • noughtnaut@lemmy.world
    3 hours ago

    I once read a beautifully indisputable piece on how Jar Jar Binks is a highly skilled Sith Lord. It’s all a front!

    • Uriel238 [all pronouns]@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      41 minutes ago

      There’s actually footage of Jar Jar using Jedi Mind Trick in TPM. He gave up on it by Attack of the Clones, even through Jar Jar was still capable of facilitating the fall of the empire.

    • SSTF@lemmy.world
      2 hours ago

      As memey as the whole theory is, I like to mention that George Lucas was influenced by a lot of classic scifi. He was almost certainly aware of the famous Foundation novels. In the second book, the comedy relief character turned out to be the secret villain leading the evil empire and who had mind control powers.

  • RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world
    3 hours ago

    Scientology isn’t a religion or a cult-like one - at least not for the top tier.

    It’s a doomsday cult disguised as a religion to be a tax dodge. Scientology has Gold Base and Trementina base among others, all bunkers. The famous people get money, tax free, donated to their “church”, and is used to fund doomsday bunkers.

  • SkyezOpen@lemmy.world
    4 hours ago

    I don’t think this is too far out there but I haven’t seen it around much. Epstein was a honeypot.

    He got an absolutely disgusting sweetheart deal for his initial conviction resulting in him being released for 12 hours a day for work and a 13 month sentence. Now the attorney that cut that deal (illegally, mind you) was Alex Acosta. He was nominated for secretary of labor in 2017 and faced scrutiny for that deal, to which he said he was told epstein “belonged to intelligence” and to “leave it alone.”

    Supporting circumstamtial evidence includes ghislaine maxwells father having known connections to MI6, mossad, and the KGB, though he died in 1991 so that doesn’t necessarily imply much. Additionally, the FBI has HARD FUCKING EVIDENCE including tapes which doubt less contain CSAM, yet nobody has actually been arrested as a result.

    The issue is that this relies on taking Acosta at his word, and he’s kind of a huge piece of shit. It could be possible that he was buddies with epstein and gave him a deal and covered up the evidence because he was involved too, and presumably enough powerful people in government were involved to keep everything quiet.

    Sounds crazy when spelled out, but it’s hard to imagine why else nothing would come of the mountains of evidence that probably followed the raids, or why epstein wasn’t closely watched after his initial conviction.

  • GraniteM@lemmy.world
    6 hours ago

    The fashion world is in a war on pockets, so they can sell more handbags. The fewer and smaller pockets we have, the more accessories we need to buy. First they came for women’s pockets. Now they’re trying to make cargo shorts unacceptable for the same reason.

  • Adderbox76@lemmy.ca
    9 hours ago

    JD Vance was forced in as the Trump VP pick by the Heritage Foundation so that when Trump either dies or stops cooperating with them on Project 2025, they already have a man in place to take over. And that’s likely the reason for the assassination attempts.

    If Trump dies, they get Vance (a true believer…unlike Trump who just wants the power to stay out of prison) at the top of the ticket.

    • Delphia@lemmy.world
      1 hour ago

      I genuinely believe at this point that Trump wants out but they wont let him, I think the first assassination attempt rattled the shit out of him. He went along as a willing figurehead, he was never a true believer. He was told they would be behind him and protect him as long as he did what he was told, they would . Now he has realised too late that a figurehead is also a lightning rod but that his only way out is through and they will knock him off or throw him to the wolves if he rocks the boat.

  • Match!!@pawb.social
    7 hours ago

    content warnng: Magic The Gathering

    facts: a couple of weeks ago the commander rules committee, the independent group that governs the popular Commander format, started receiving death threats after they banned some boring ass broken cards (jeweled lotus? dockside extortionist? nobody is ride or die for those)

    as a result, the rules committee turned over control of the format to Wizards of the Coast / Hasbro, the makers of magic the gathering

    fact: last year after some magic the gathering content was leaked, Hasbro send literal pinkertons to harasss the youtuber leaking it and recover the leaked goods

    conspiracy theory: hasbro hired the pinkertons to make those death threats against the rules committee so that hasbro could seize control ove the most popular independent format of magic

    • SkyezOpen@lemmy.world
      5 hours ago

      I wanna say “nub uh” but the fact that they’re getting death threats is really crazy. Like they changed the mulligan rule from partial Paris to the new one (Vancouver?) and basically everyone said “that’s neat” and did partial Paris anyway. And over busted things like dockside? Goddamn there was barely an outcry over prophet of kruphix.

      Sol ring ban I could see death threats. That’s about it.

  • CookieOfFortune@lemmy.world
    10 hours ago

    Insurance companies randomly deny claims just to see if you’ll fight it. If you don’t, they’ll know they can deny more if your claims in the future. This is illegal, but if it’s a “bug” in the software or “AI” than they get away with it. Actually it’s harder with AI since people are more skeptical and have already caught them doing it. However this may be due to the AI being trained on the intentionally buggy software.

    • ultranaut@lemmy.world
      2 hours ago

      I believe this based off my limited interactions with insurance companies. I was in a car crash that was 100% caused by the idiot who was fucking with their phone instead of looking at what they were crashing into. Their insurance company tried to stick me with months of rental fees from when my car was being repaired. I eventually filed a complaint with my state insurance commissioner and told their insurance company what’s up, they got right on it after that. Literally, that same day they had multiple people contacting me to say we’re all good now and apologizing about the misunderstanding.

    • michaelmrose@lemmy.world
      8 hours ago

      They actually do use software to find deniable claims that would theoretically have to be reviewed by a doctor. The doctor pulls up a while page of to be denied claims and theoretically gives them the legally required review all at once in the 30 seconds before he hits the button. There is no reason NOT to feed propensity to accept fake denial into the equation. You could even white wash it by presuming that prior denials that stuck were indication of bad claims and assert you are measuring their proclivity for filing wasteful claims.

  • SwearingRobin@lemmy.world
    8 hours ago

    When windows has updated and needs to restart it purposefully gets a bit slower/buggy to make people restart the PC.

    • hactar42@lemmy.world
      5 hours ago

      I completely believe this. If I let my Surface Pro go too long the facial recognition will stop working and the little white light at the top will not turn off. The only fix is to reboot and let it finish updating.

  • Sho@lemmy.world
    7 hours ago

    That all of Tom Cruise’s movies ( and by extension any media created by ppl of the church) are propaganda for the church of scientology.

  • lazylion_ca@lemmy.ca
    6 hours ago

    r/cat was like that for a while. Imagine being the database admin being responsible for a billion iterations of the word cat.

  • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
    10 hours ago

    Conspiracy Theorist culture has been coopted by the evangelical right in the wake of shit like Watergate and Iran-Contra making a non-interfered-with conspiracy theorist culture seem too dangerous to the right to be allowed to persist.

    Evidence being that if you go far enough down the rabbit holes of the looney theories we all like to make fun of, you’ll inevitably find some evangelical nut preaching about how it has to be that way either because they believe it says so in the bible or because they believe it’s a sign of the rapture which is surely happening within their lifetime, or often both.

    It’s like the most dangerous kind of conservative appropriation of counterculture narrative.

  • JPAKx4@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    10 hours ago

    Ken Paxton has dirt on every Republican in Texas, and the fraud we know about is probably a multitude less than what he actually does.