Replace “Canada” with Sudetenland, and it’s almost literally the same quote used by Hitler…
Replace “Canada” with Sudetenland, and it’s almost literally the same quote used by Hitler…
Been to Winnipeg. That Windchill is pretty much correct if you’re hanging around Portage and Main.
Russia doesn’t want anything from the the U.S. except what it’s already doing. Fucking shit up on the international stage and thereby destabilizing NATO.
Any decrease is Western Hegemony is good for Russia. It doesn’t matter whether they achieve it by tossing some people out of windows, or by helping an orange toddler ascend to the highest office in the U.S.
Everything from wife-killers, toenail-eaters, to geniuses
Stop spying on me please.
I’ll preface this by admitting that I’m far far far from an expert, but if I recall correctly, the issue is that the oil that is left in Alberta (Tar Sands) is largely dirty, bitumen layers that require so much refining that it’s not cost effective to the point where no other province really wants to bother building the rather expensive refineries necessary to do it.
It’s more cost effective to ship it to places that already have such refineries and then buy it back.
Though my understanding on it is very very limited, so please if someone can explain it differently to me, please do. I’m always open to learning.
Even the dumbest drunk driving murderer in the province is right once in a while…
Pinning it solely on the Liberals is pretty typical Scooter Moe bullshit, but he’s right in that we should have been divesting our trade from the U.S a long time ago.
The only freedom’s you’ll have left is the ability to vote on what America names its version of the Lada
You think a U.S. military base isn’t getting kicked the fuck out of a foreign country the moment they are declared an enemy? Or do you have such a little opinion of everyone else that you think a couple of military bases will immediately take over every European county at once?
If America invades Canada it’s global reach becomes null and void essentially the next day. Every Nato country expels American military personnel, by force if necessary, and America’s role in the world is done, regardless if they win against Canada or not.
If you think your Apple phone isn’t listening to you, I have some seaside real estate I’d like to sell you in Montana.
I unapologetically woke up this morning hoping to read that someone took a successful shot at him during the Superbowl.
Put me on whatever list you wish.
If they had any brains, they’d create a salient by using the fifth column traitors in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Very little would hold them back in Maple MAGA country. They’d have both provinces in short order and then work on defending them.
A bit like Hitler making a beeline for the Russian oil fields before he got distracted with taking Stalingrad because of “symbolism” or some shit.
Multiple fronts I’d imagine.
I’d easily imagine Mexico declaring and starting to fuck shit up at the southern border.
Depending on when it starts, potentially embargoes from Europe. (Right now I think they’re still too skittish, but if Trump invades after he’s spent another year or so destroying international relations, I don’t doubt Europe would slap embargoes on him. At some point, those countries that host American bases would tell them to fuck off back home which in the short term would be bad for Canada since it would be reinforcing the American military, but in the long term destroying America’s global reach.
I’d accept casualties if it meant taking care of American imperialism long-term.
Imo, Europe is better off forging its own path, only collaborating with countries such as China when it is in our strategic interest to do so.
Europe, without the U.S. needs to increase it’s military spending. (Same with Canada, who, I hate to say it, really needs to get some nukes onto it’s territory on loan from somehwere)
Ironically, NATO increasing it’s military spending is something that the U.S. has been removed about for years. So now they’d finally get their wish, but in some weird monkey’s paw Faustian way.
I contend that there isn’t anyone who doesn’t already know this/see this. It’s that the people who cheer on Trump know damn well it’s happening and literally don’t care.
It’s not that they’re not aware of the rise of fascism, it’s that they agree with it. They are the same people who say “Well…the nazis had the trains running on time…etc…etc…”
(Which by the way is a complete falsehood. The so-called expert organisation and planning and detail oriented myth of the nazi state was exactly that…a myth.)
The list above is not something that they didn’t realise they were voting for. It’s something that they actively voted for.
The moment they make clear that CA farmers cannot access the Colorado river waters like they used to
But…but…I’ve been told that there’s a big faucet up here in Canada that we can turn on for y’all to make it all better.
/s. (god I can’t believe I live in a world where I need an /s tag for this)
Not really. I find that most “pop culture” still gets talked about, it just doesn’t get pushed into everyone’s face by an algorithm.
If I drift away from my subscribed feed and look at the all feed, it doesn’t take long for something or another about pop culture to pop up. And then if I’m interested, I go to the particular community that’s talking about it and subscribe. The more I do that, the more interests start to show up in my subscribed feed.
For the most part, these communities all exist, there’s just no algorithm saying “hey…you’ll probably like this”. And so you have to find them yourself.
Flive has flive letters.
Great photo!
Stop all this Prime Directive nonsense.
There’s no such thing as a culture’s “natural progress” because there’s no such thing as “fate”. We live or die or change or stagnate based on random events and there’s no saying that one specific course of events is the correct one.
Writing: Specifically fiction writing in terms of structure, POV, plotting, etc…
History: Especially early societies and how much everything really stays the same, despite the advance of technology. No matter where or when you go, humans are gonna human.