Operating in the EU?
Operating in the EU?
And DMX with 17 kids.
X gon give it to ya
Those damn parent application costs!
Too busy murdering.
Hardly just Apple. Android phones have been shifting to removing the headphone jack as well. The workaround is meant to be to use a USB-C dongle, but I ended up just getting multiple bluetooth headsets. I miss my wired earbuds though, that I could hang from my ear when I needed to talk to someone, and never had to worry about charging.
FSO is good, but it does assume some JS knowledge to start. I would argue that App Academy’s is more comprehensive (over 200hrs of material).
EE.UU usually
Dog mask!
Dream ghosted.
Trust, but verify.
There’s always money in the banana stand.
Stop, refrigerate, and listen.
Please sir, may I have some more 🥺?
Can’t afford the subscription :'(
They could force ISPs to block, not allow physical hardware sales in stores, take over any assets (offices), confiscate their server farms. There’s lots that can be done.