This is what they have always been and always will be. They just write cutesy fanfiction like Thanksgiving to retroactively cover it up but this is the truth. They know, they are just evil. They won’t even pretend anymore. And in 50 years when they feign sympathy someone has to remember and spit in their face.
“Indeed, it is not the eyes that are blind, but it is the hearts in the chests that grow blind.”
A good response.
This election cycle has taught me that there are things people can’t understand, and there are things people won’t understand. They’re ignorant like Trump voters, but they’re ashamed of that rather than being proud, so they play defense rather than offense. They adapt idpol aesthetics as a defense, a license. Now we have photographic proof lol.
We need a grand unified theory of liberalism.
Save all the evidence for future “this u” posts, which will change nothing but are grimly satisfying.
These are the people claiming they are the “adults in the room” and that anyone who disagrees with their child murder is just being “petulant.”
I hate Democrats so much it is unreal
Facts! Though the meme with her almost paints her nonsense as being true instead of the constant lying she does.
that’s the fun part of it