What is the point of this community, if we can’t have a discussion? I’ve been really disappointed with the ML stance on this war, and am not even allowed to publicly discuss my opinion in any existing ML community without my comment getting deleted.

This Rule : “No support nor defence of Ukraine, NATO or Western Imperialism” just encourages an echo chamber.

Really getting discouraged comrades. Do better.

  • bleepingblorp@lemmygrad.ml
    3 years ago

    I agree with OP on several stances.

    First, in a comment somewhere around here OP stated they might be experiencing a language barrier and possibly misunderstanding the narrative being passed around among Marxists online. Well I’m English is my native language and the countless memes and comments running amok portraying Putin and his armies as somehow or another based is concerning.

    As OP states somewhere else around here, Putin is a multi-billionaire oligarch who has on several occasions held the title of richest man in Russia and who regularly jails and tortures Marxists in his dominion. His actions against women, LGBTQIA+, and ethnic minorities are the stuff of incel white supremacist wet dreams. Also while his conventional military doesn’t deploy often, his special forces do, and the war crimes they commit give CIA spooks butterflies in their putrid little bellies they are so heinous.

    Putin is not based no matter what other cock he is fighting in the rooster ring.

    Also, I saw another user comment that “Ukraine lost their right to sovereignty”. Sorry but who are you to decide when another peoples have lost their right to sovereignty? That is the kind of shit Imperialists say. Replace the word Ukraine with any other marginalized group and you’ll see my point. “Palestine lost their right to sovereignty when…”, “India lost its sovereignty when…”, “Indigenous lost their sovereignty when…”. Get my point? Foreigners don’t get to decide Ukrainian sovereignty. Not you. Not me. Not Putin. It is decided by the Ukrainian people collectively.

    Yes, Ukraine has a serious Nazi problem, but if you believe Putin’s intention is to de-Nazify Ukraine, you’re gullible. And even if it were his intention, it isn’t his place to carry that out. It is for the Ukrainian people to do collectively.

    And before you start accusing me of being pro-NATO, know that I fucking hate the United States and the idea of personally burning every single Amerikkkan flag and taking a reeking shit on the dismembered head of a statue of George Washington fills me with some of the greatest joy a human can experience outside of orgasm. I want nothing more than for the United States to become a failed state and for NATO to fall apart like a matchstick hut in a hurricane. The sanctions against the Russian people are disgusting and will result in massive amounts of suffering. So I vehemently oppose them.

    This is a fight between Imperialists and domestic Nazis. Our solidarity should be with the working class people directly affected by this on all sides.

    Fuck the oligarchs of the US. Fuck the oligarchs of Russia. Fuck the oligarchs of Ukraine. They can all burn but this war is only hurting the working class.

    In solidarity,

    • bleepingblorp