It was banned on Reddit because it is racist, hatefull and spread Conspiracies.

In my new community I expect the exclution of racist communities. It is easy now with defederation. Nazis can do whatever they want on their instances, but the instances I want to be part of should not amplify their shit and flush it into our timelines.

The instance-admin of ! did not reply to my message. Big instances seem not to defederate with them.

The new TD may not be a success, the point is not to give Nazis a platform like it is happening now. Fans of TD are racists.

Where are the instances that show face against racism?

edit: to contact the admins: @donut @TheDude @smorks

edit2: @TheDude deleted the community :)

    • krolden
      3311 months ago

      Seriously. Defederation should be a last resort against spammers and outright attacks on other instances, not because you dont agree with a single community.

      • @catshit_dogfart
        2211 months ago

        Historically this group has been responsible for an absolute shitload of spam and outright attacks.

        I was doxxed by them. They had links to a discord group that included my full name, address, email, and phone number. There was a whole list, it’s one of the first reasons they were quarantined. There was a comment that read “anyone with spare bullets can send them here”.

        This is a lot more than “I simply don’t agree with that community”. They are trash who will trash up any platform they can reach.

        • Fedora
          211 months ago

          Sounds like a great place to practice OPSEC. But sucks if you get doxxed for real. I hope you’re safe.

          • @catshit_dogfart
            311 months ago

            And it was absolutely a case of negligent opsec.

            I suspect what happened is that I posted pictures on reddit that I also posted on Facebook. A reverse image search links my reddit account to my facebook account, and therefore a real name and name of city. With that, the rest is public information.

            It was a wakeup call that the internet contains the best and the worst of humanity, and the worst will come after you at the earliest opportunity.

        311 months ago

        Defederation should be a last resort against spammers and outright attacks on other instances, not because you dont agree with a single community.

        100% agree

        Also, it should be noted that this ‘The_Donald’ community is literally just one user making posts.

      2411 months ago

      Just blocking the community doesn’t prevent the users in that community from harassing minorities and generally spreading disinformation and hate. It’s offloading extra moderation work to every instance who federates with them. Unless that instance is also okay with fascists interacting in bad faith, of course.

        • HobbitFoot
          611 months ago

          No one is saying everyone in the instance is guilty; people are saying that the instance is going to become toxic to the point where it becomes hard to tell.

          If you are in that instance and don’t want to tied to this rhetoric, talk to your admin about banning the Donald.

        11 months ago

        You’ve got a good point. Ultimately every instance is responsible for its users and their behavior. Harassment should not be tolerated.

        SIJW needs to make a decision. IMHO it’s perfectly fine to say that your instance is not prepared to deal with that kind of shit regardless of how open and accommodating you want to be.

        If they believe there’s a space for “moderate trump supporters” that’s their decision but they are on the hook for any harassment caused by their users.

      • meldroc
        211 months ago

        Yes! Hold the instance owners accountable for allowing that shit to fester and be rebroadcast.

        Nine people dining at a table with a Nazi means you have ten Nazis.

          -111 months ago

          Nine people dining at a table with a Nazi means you have ten Nazis.

          This doesn’t make any sense.

          One of my long time friends is a genuine racist. Am I a racist then too because I’m friends with him even though our views on this topic (and many others) differ quite dramatically?

              • Oh, no, it is absolute: if you say and do nothing, then at best, you’re allowing the harm they cause to happen, and at worse reinforcing their behavior.

                So yes, if you have racist friends and you sit silently then yes, you’re a racist supporter.

    • iAmTheTot
      2011 months ago

      I support defederatiom personally because it sends a stronger message from the community. Blocking the community is “I don’t want to see this.” Defederating is “we don’t want to see this.”

      • @maegul
        3511 months ago

        So, from what I’ve gathered, many consider the broad lesson learnt from various defederation dramas over on mastodon is that making a genuine attempt to voice concern with the instance admins prior to defederation is almost always the better way to go. It avoids drama and inconvenience while promoting a better ecosystem of cooperation between instance admins and their users.

        Obviously at some point when there aren’t better options and users need to be protected, use defederation, that’s what it’s for.

        But at this point, I’d try to talk or have our admins talk to the instance admin first.

        • finder
          2511 months ago

          Exactly, defederation is a nuclear option that affects everyone on both instances.

      • @minorsecond
        1011 months ago

        I agree. It may help send a message that the community isn’t tolerated, hopefully getting it removed.

        -211 months ago

        Unfortunately, users don’t have the option to block entire instances. We need to rely on our moderating overlords to do it for us.

          111 months ago

          It would be pretty easy to filter content from specific instances in a Lemmy app without Lemmy explicitly supporting it on the server side. I’m working on an Android app right now, as soon as all the basic stuff is done I’ll implement it.

        • work is slow
          11 months ago

          Facebook attempts to join- “We must stop this to prevent corporate power and growth.” Bigots join- “Let’s hear them out.”

          • niktemadur
            311 months ago

            Let’s hear them out

            …I mean… they might have something to say that we haven’t heard and been repulsed by a thousand times already!

          411 months ago

          Difference between instances (Facebook) and communities (DT). Latter is easily blocked by users themselves, former might threaten the longevity of the fediverse.

          Not saying I agree with that, but comparing the two is not fair.

  • @Ado
    7611 months ago

    Defederating from an entire instance for one community seems a bit overblown tbh. Blocking would prob be effective enough. That said, beehaw will likely be most proactive in removing td nonsense from its feed

    • TsincOP
      2211 months ago hosts it. They should kick them out.

      • Alexmitter
        911 months ago

        As soon as they brake rules they absolutely should be banned.

        • @minorsecond
          211 months ago

          You can on kbin, but I don’t know how to on lemmy yet.

        • @tookmyname
          211 months ago

          I don’t think it’s overlooked. It’s probably just not been implemented yet.

        311 months ago

        Yeah, defederation isn’t an answer to this, or if it is, it’s an absolute last resort. First they have to do something wrong, then the instance should ban them, if they fail to act and the community is doing something wrong, then you talk about defederating.

        111 months ago

        Hm, is it possible the community was already kicked by the instance? I don’t find it.

      • Jcb2016
        2311 months ago

        No it’s not that. Lots of us never interacted with that sub. Just block them no need to defederate a while instance

        • HobbitFoot
          1811 months ago

          If the instance won’t kill the sub, the members of the sub will take over that instance.

          I’m seeing some people testing the waters of some subs to see what they can get away with.

            • @catshit_dogfart
              1011 months ago

              At the height of it, yes. It filled up the front page every single day and made the site absolutely reek.

              It’s what made me stop browsing /r/all, drop off most default subs, and stick to only my subscribed subs. Brigading and spamming is the whole point.

            • @GarbageShootAlt2
              411 months ago

              It had a massive impact on the “culture” of the website and would have kept spreading quite effectively if the admins weren’t pressured to quarantine it for PR reasons.

      • finder
        11 months ago

        Dude, it is one community with a whopping 9 subscribers and every single post is sitting at negative.

        Y’all need to calm down.

      • @Ado
        -311 months ago

        Yes, the vast universe of Lemmy is like a fucking bar lmao. Great analogy

    • HobbitFoot
      1711 months ago

      I don’t think it is. R/The_Donald was a cancer on Reddit, spreading around and harming other communities. If an instance is willing to tolerate a community like that, I don’t see the value of anything else in that instance.

        411 months ago

        when i was a christian there was this story that would be told that went something like this:

        “one day a kid was caught by their parent doing something they knew they weren’t supposed to do. it was just a small thing with no real consequences, but it was against the rules of the house and therefore the kid was being disobedient. when the parent confronted the kid about the behavior the kid argued that it was harmless and that it was ok. the parent, seeing an opportunity to teach the kid a lesson, said ‘ok’ and left. several hours later the parent called the kid into the kitchen where they’d made brownies. the parent offered the kid a brownie who readily accepted. as the kid reached for a brownie the parent stopped them and said ‘oh, but first you should know, theres a small piece of cat poop in there, but it’s ok, it’s just a small piece and i put it in that corner over there’. the kid reeled in disgust and said they didn’t want the brownies anymore. ‘why?’ the parent inquired, ‘it’s just a small piece and won’t hurt anyone as long as they stay away from that small corner’. the kid, then realized the importance of obedience in every way.”

        total bullshit story, but like all christian bullshit there’s a kernel of truth in there. one small nazi ruins the whole batch of brownies.

      • @Ado
        111 months ago

        Welp, spin up an instance and block everything you dislike

      11 months ago

      The problem isn’t just that community, it’s the people who follow. They’re not the kind of people we should try to attract here.

      They’re probably the same people who were active in fatpeoplehate and other malicious subs too, and it’s better not to wait for them to establish themselves.

      If it doesn’t get handled now, their toxicity will likely spill over into other communities, and once they realize they are safe, they’ll start making other worse communities and become disproportionately engrained in the conversations.

      If a server isn’t banning them (or at least making a strong statement/warning that nonsense won’t be tolerated by the community here), then we should likely be considering whether that server is good for us anyway

        311 months ago

        FWIW, I certainly don’t support that shit even though I made that instance my “home”, not knowing that one guy’s cesspool even existed there.
        I chose that one because it’s near me, hosted in a local datacenter, uses hydro power and has good performance.
        I will be glad to let my voice be heard when we discuss and vote about this troll’s fate in the Agora over there (which feels very much like the polar opposite of that troll’s bullshit).
        As far as I can tell it has no support from the instance’s members.

        I think our admin was busy upgrading to 0.18 while this was posted, hopefully this gets addressed soon and I’m prepared to move on from there if it isn’t.

        Having interacted with decent people there, I hope we’ll sort this out.

    • iAmTheTot
      411 months ago

      It’s not overblown. It’s sending a message to the admins of that instance.

      Blocking the community itself is the smallest Band-Aid in the world. The kinds of users who join that instance for that community aren’t going to be quarantined to just that community.

      • Lols [they/them]
        111 months ago

        its entirely overblown, the smallest band-aid in the the world is entirely appropriate for one user shitposting

        111 months ago

        Users can block individuals and communities, but not instances. I think if we give users the power to block instances, then everyone has the tools they need to ignore the content they don’t want to see. Blocking users is nice because they don’t realize their being blocked and are less likely to get around it. It also has the added benefit of only blocking them for you, so nobody gets control over what others see.

      411 months ago

      If they want that community on their instance I don’t want to interact with their instance. I guess at this point I should just spin up my own instance and federate via whitelist.

        311 months ago

        it’s really easy, I spun up my own instance in a morning. Ok, I am a sysadmin and programmer, but it really wasn’t very difficult and didn’t require much beyond creating a VPS and DNS entry along with basic abilities at the command line to use the ansible playbook.

    • @GarbageShootAlt2
      111 months ago

      I promise you lemmygrad will be faster because they don’t play with kid gloves when it comes to “respectable” reactionaries.

    7011 months ago

    Hey all,

    This community is being reviewed and will likely be a discussion point to in our Agora community where we discuss about issues like this as a community.

    Post that are breaking rules will be removed. If its a regular occurrence so will the TheDonald community. Please continue reporting inappropriate posts and its difficult to maintain visibility on everything that is going on at all times.

    Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

      3711 months ago

      Reading through the replies and I have to say ya’ll don’t take prisoners here. sheesh.

      Anyway, I went through went through the community in question and reviewed not only the posts in the community and the comments made by the mods of the community and they weren’t aligned with the kind of negativity I want to see on the instance. I have since purged the community and the mods.

    • southsamurai
      2911 months ago

      Fwiw, I hereby volunteer to take the c/ over, and dedicate it to the worship of our disney duck overload, the real Donald.

      That’s not a joke. The best way to deal with the history behind the subreddit is to defang it. There’s always gong to be some troll or someone that actually worships the cheeto trying to make that community somewhere.

      If instances preempt that by making communities with that name that are about some other Donald explicitly, it ceases to be able to be weaponized.

      And there’s a ton of Donalds worthy of a c/. There’s the duck, there’s the amazing actor, Mr Glover, the other great actors Cheadle, and Sutherland; the McDonald’s even.

      You pick which Donald you prefer, I’ll take the heat from the c/existing.

      1711 months ago

      Thanks for the reply. I’ve been side-eyeing instances that have open community creation due to how easy it is for bad actors to come and start shit, especially if instance admins aren’t constantly on top of things.

      As other people in this thread have pointed out, if you allow Nazis to hang out in your bar for long enough, you become a Nazi bar. Given your instance’s stated rules against bigotry, I would advocate for proactive action in cases like this. Donald Trump is a champion of racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia - all the things you don’t allow. I wouldn’t think you’d want a community that champions him as a dogwhistle for all of those things.

      Have you considered disabling open community creation and having it be a function of your Agora discussion space?

      • @deweydecibel
        11 months ago

        Blocking open community creation is a mistake and that will be abused down the line. It’s also taking power away from users to make Lemmy their own.

        First off, community creation is not the problem here. Anybody can make a community called the Donald, the problem are the people that will fill it. Those people are coming here regardless of what community they find themselves in. Blocking community creation doesn’t stop them, only actual monitoring of individual users will do it.

        There really has to be a line here between combating this kind of toxic hateful bullshit and completely locking down a social media platform so that everything must be pre-scanned and approved before it sees the light of day. Pre-approving content means moderation controls the site directly and obliquely. Before users can even cast a vote, mods can unilaterally and silently strike it down.

        I just generally don’t care for the overall notion that Lemmy needs to be carefully curated like a garden right out of the gate. Ban the obvious shit like the Donald but there has to be a fundamental acknowledgment that the users, the people, need to have the ability to make the space their own without some council pre-judging them.

        511 months ago

        I think we can handle these things on a per case bases no? That is just adding another roadblock in having someone interact with the community. If it becomes a problem where someone spams these then yeah I can see the issue.

      1211 months ago

      If they were acting in good faith they would not have started in such trappings. The Donald has an ugly history and it started with harmless memes. Will the next antisemitic tiki-torch march organized on your instance? The next 1/6? It’s not worth the risk.

      • @Serinus
        411 months ago

        It’s also not worth giving them attention to get started. While I mostly agree with the OP, I’d rather they just languish in obscurity for now. Come back to it if/when they become a problem.

    • Swarming
      311 months ago

      Ban, defederate, whatever, I don’t mind the method – I do not want this server to have these “people” on our server and able to interact with/see us.

  • @tookmyname
    5011 months ago

    I think deleting the sub is the right call simply because it’s trying to replace a community that did enough in the past to deserve a ban on any platform.

    Tired of all the calls for defederation though.

    11 months ago

    It is easy now with defederation.

    De-federation isn’t the tool to solve this specific problem. That community has 34 posts, all by a single user, and under 30 total comments across all threads. I cannot find a single post or comment in that community that would violate any rules on

    A single user posting content in a community that shares a name with a banned community on another social media platform seems like a very very low bar to push for de-federation.

  • crowsby
    4411 months ago

    OP may come across a little alarmist, but it’s really easy for online communities to become Nazi bars if the admins aren’t carefully weeding out the ne’er-do-wells. Especially in places with open signups. Taking a hands-off approach and simply hoping that everyone is going to be a mature adult and behave themselves is effectively voting to surrender the site to assholes.

    And yeah, they follow “the rules”, and free speech and all that, until they don’t. The thing to keep in mind is that these are not folks who, as a community, are interested in engaging in good-faith discussion. They are looking for a platform to spread disinformation and troll the libz, and any platform that facilitates it is also complicit.

    • @GarbageShootAlt2
      411 months ago

      Actively purging communities of reactionaries is pretty important and the hands-off attitude that some Free Speech Warriors inherited from Reddit advocate for is only going to spread reaction. If they care so much about Free Speech, they can go back to their pedophile website and talk about how r/jailbait needed to be kept up for the sake of free speech.

  • Contextual Idiot
    4311 months ago

    I just don’t get it.

    Block the c/TheDonald community. That’s it. That’s all you need to do.

    When it gets no visits, no views, and only it’s handful of users meme-ing each other, it’ll die. One of the big reasons TheDonald took off on Reddit was because of all the attention it got.

    So, don’t give them attention. Don’t feed the trolls.

    I’m not saying to tolerate neo-nazis. But running from them isn’t exactly a time proven strategy, either. They will exist, and it’s up to all of us to remind them that their views are garbage.

        311 months ago

        I never knew that community existed since I don’t read All (too spammy) nor do I search for alt-right topics. No idea how OP found it unless they were simply looking for shit to stir up.

          311 months ago

          I’m guessing it’s as you suggested, they looked for a reason to be offended.

          I don’t think I’ll ever see any content from it even though I don’t block it (not going to put in the effort to find it so in can block it). I have my subscriptions and largely stick to those.

          So eh, I don’t really care. However, if the cause problems in places I frequent, I’ll report and block them.

              211 months ago

              AFAIK, the community is now gone. The user was deemed in violation of the instance’s rules and banned from the instance. It wasn’t banned because the community name matched a troublesome community on Reddit, it was because of actual rule breakage.

              And that’s how moderation should work imo, and that’s why I stick with that instance. I appreciate transparency and restraint. I like how the admin is giving up a lot of decision making to the community instead of deciding everything himself (see ! The only intolerance I’ve seen has been from users responding to posts like these, and those users end up either deleting their accounts or getting banned (not sure which, I’m still learning about lemmy moderation).

              In short, it isn’t a problem and it likely won’t be a problem. Don’t bail on a community because it takes a day or two to respond to an issue, bail because the admin isn’t resolving concerns at all. I’ve heard email signups are also live on, and I’m guessing 2FA will be an option soon as well (haven’t checked, I’ve been heads down working on lemmy-adjacent projects).

      611 months ago

      Taking swift actions to oppose neo-nazis being able to spread their ideology is not running from them. Quite the opposite. Anyways it’s banned now so this is all moot.

      111 months ago

      It’s currently a couple of users posting “liberal tears” memes. They’re trolling, but (last time I checked) haven’t posted anything that crosses the line.

      When they cross the line, zap em. Until then, don’t give them the satisfaction.

  • @Cargon
    4211 months ago

    Everyone keeps repeating that defederation should be a last resort. Fine, but we should also acknowledge that the list of resorts is very short:

    1. Server admins talk to the admins of the server hosting the offending community, in an attempt to get them to clean their house. If they don’t;

    2. Defederate.

    There really isn’t anything else for server operators to do that isn’t just letting the offending community continue unabated.

    Offloading the responsibility to individual users to block users / communities is lazy. Most of us don’t want to spend our limited time playing whack-a-mole.

    I suspect we’ll see user accounts shuffling around so that they land on a home server whose defederation policy matches their preferences.

    3411 months ago

    Have you looked at the content of that sub? There are a total of 3 posts about the twice-impeached, twice- indicted, single-term, sexual predator.

    I was on Reddit when the_donald was spewing their bile and have no wish to see it duplicated on Lemmy or anywhere else. Even so, I think that any alarm at this point is extraordinarily premature.

    11 months ago

    I wouldn’t de-federate for that now. But stuff like this doesn’t look good and the “Just ignore it bro” crowd shows that they never had to deal with organized harassment themselves. The_Donald wasn’t just a harmless sub with a little bit of trolling, it was responsible for extreme radicalization and people died because of it. The reality is that such hate groups never stay in their place and behave everywhere else. They brigade and harass every time. Should the community grow and attract more people, it’s just a disaster waiting to happen. People are responsible for their own instance and are free to choose whatever they want but that’s the same for other servers if they should decide to de-federate.

    • @catshit_dogfart
      2711 months ago

      And that was indicated when they migrated to Voat. Nobody else used Voat, it was just them. Also when reddit changed their policies to prevent one sub from appearing on the front page more than once.

      The whole point is to be obnoxious in spaces where it isn’t welcome. When they realized they couldn’t do that on a platform that only consisted of them, there was no incentive to engage. The whole point is to shit up a platform enjoyed by others, and that’s exactly what they’ll do here.

        611 months ago

        Voat was about 50% fatpeoplehate, 35% T_D, and 15% ‘free speech’ enthusiasts. The 15% were quickly pushed out by the overwhelming amount of content generated by fatpeoplehate, but eventually they got tired of posting the same things over and over and only T_D was left.

      611 months ago

      If it develops into something that breaks the instance’s rules, it should be shut down. Until then, don’t just assume because of the name that it’s going to break the rules.

      • @GarbageShootAlt2
        -111 months ago

        If it’s supporting some shitheel Republican’s cult of personality and names itself after the most infamous online instance of the cult of that shitheel, it doesn’t need to be given benefit of the doubt. If it’s some wholesome uwu satire, then it can bear that fucking cross and negotiate being removed from blacklists.

        A Hilldawg 2024 instance should be treated in just the same way, before some stupid American asks.

  • @minorsecond
    11 months ago

    Wasn’t The Donald originally a subreddit making fun of trump? I saw that TD was created here but my assumption was they wanted to restore the original purpose. I haven’t looked at it since then though.

    Edit: Nope. It is in fact a pro trump community.

    • falsem
      2611 months ago

      Trump was a joke until suddenly he wasn’t.

      • Montagge
        711 months ago

        No, he’s still a joke. It’s just America is a joke too.

    • BraveSirZaphod
      2611 months ago

      At the very beginning, yes. The tricky thing with having fun pretending to be bigots is that you eventually find yourself surrounded by actual bigots who very much missed the fact that you were joking.

    • HobbitFoot
      1311 months ago

      Maybe for the first few weeks, then it stopped being a joke.

      • bumbly
        1711 months ago

        Friggin hilarious that one

        This community exists solely to document Trumps crimes.
        If you support tr*mp. If you were a member of reddit’s biggest hate community, then you will cry. You. Are. Not. Welcome. Here.
        Fascism is a curse on this world.
        This is a safe space for those who oppose conservatives scum.
        support abortion rights.
        support trans rights.
        support women.
        support minorities.
        Destroy fascism. Destroy hate.

        Amazing sidebar

      • @minorsecond
        1011 months ago

        I think that’s the one I saw originally.

  • @GarbageShootAlt2
    1911 months ago

    Nazis shouldn’t be able to do what they want on their own instances either, they should be crushed there as they should in every space

    But also blacklisting is a basic first step that everyone should do, so you aren’t wrong there.

    In defense of some instance admins, I think they can just literally not know because it’s hard to keep tabs on every instance that gets made, but that also means that, if you use that instance, you should totally DM them to let them know (I’ve had to do this with certain other instances). If the admins persistently ignore those warnings, they should be treated as complicit.

  • Double_A
    1811 months ago

    So this is a quick way to ruin the fediverse: Create a The_Donald community on the big instances.

    • @minorsecond
      811 months ago

      There’s one on I believe, but it’s not what you’re expecting.

        511 months ago

        I was kinda hoping it would just be dedicated solely to Donald Duck but I guess this is also fine, haha

      • jalda
        511 months ago

        I was expecting a community about Donald Duck, but it is even better.

          111 months ago

          You made me click on it and… wow, although I wasn’t expecting that, I was somehow fully expecting exactly that

    • darq
      511 months ago

      No, why would it? The instance could simply enforce its moderation guidelines and block the community.

      • It would ruin the Fediverse because, if this post is any indication, it takes nothing but a user shouting ‘Nazi!’ to get people ready to accept de-federation. Most users who are commenting appear to not have looked into the issue or viewed the community before giving their opinion. They’re more than willing to buy the ‘Nazi bad, de-federate’ argument with zero evidence.

        If you look into the community that the OP is referring to… it is made up of a single user’s posts and less than 30 comments across the entire community (most by the same user). None of the posts or comments in that community/by that user violates any rules on or kbin.

        There is no there there, as they say. This is a ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ tale. There’s no wolf, there’s no Nazi bar. One user created, one community and now we have a 200+ comment thread discussing de-federation. I cannot find any other word to describe the situation other than: kneejerk.

  • meldroc
    1811 months ago

    Defederate their asses. Fascism is a cancer.

    Anyone who’s been on Reddit or Twitter knows what happens if you give those psychopaths an inch.

    Deplatforming works. That’s why the chuds whine about it.

  • literallyacat
    1311 months ago

    I’d imagine this is one of the many reasons why beehaw went ahead and defederated from It’s a bit TOO lenient over there in some ways.

    • silicon_reverie
      11 months ago

      Agreed. And Beehaw didn’t say they were kicking any instance to the curb permanently. They’re simply waiting on Lemmy to add more effective moderation tools, like the ability to defederate communities rather than entire instances, and for bot checks to become the norm.

        • silicon_reverie
          611 months ago

          Yes, but what we’re talking about here is how to effectively target and limit violence, bigotry, hate speech, etc., and that happens best at the community level not the instance level. Let’s say you have something like this:

          • - a popular fictitious instance that has some good communities and one really bad one
          • - a community of bigoted content that doesn’t want to deal with
          • Users of - a mixed bag themselves, who mostly flocked there because of open signups

          How do we limit harm to

          • The Users: Most of the MixedBag users are harmless and contribute to the growth and diversity of the fediverse (including YourInstance), so defederating them is a last resort. But what about the BigotsRUs subscribers? On Reddit, some mods use bots to ban or mute people subscribed to problematic subreddits. We could try something similar here, but that’s not the only option. After all, I live over here, not in the community where they’re trash-talking. It’s when they bring their shit into my house that I get pissed. If they put on their Sunday Best over here and want to have actual conversations, I’m fine with that. That more tolerant approach has the benefit of not ostracising and radicalizing users who are on the fence and just hang out there on occasion for the memes. So basically, ban the bad actors when they cross the line while on your turf, but leave the rest alone.

          • The Community: If BigotsRUs is poorly moderated, frequently spews hate, and its inclusion in All harms YourInstance’s users, that’s what Remove is for. As an admin, you can remove communities from the feed without affecting users or the instance, which feels like the first and best step to handling most issues.

          • The Instance: Like I said, defederation is the nuclear option that impacts all communities and all users on, so I’d rather limit that to a last resort. However, sometimes the instance itself if the problem by either encouraging bad actors or centering around a topic that has no place in your instance’s vision. For example, what if you’re running an orthodox religious instance for your friends and want to defederate from the porn-only Or what if your instance is being overrun by bots from and you don’t have a big enough mod team to separate out the trash? For me, that’s the ideal use case for instance-wide defederation, and it’s the main reason Beehaw is defederating from others. Yes, they’re protective of their culture, but right now it’s mostly about the small mod team’s inability to filter out spam from instances with lax signups.

          • @GarbageShootAlt2
            311 months ago

            It’s an absolute lie that they are just concerned about hatespeech – albeit one that the admins themselves very actively promote. They pretend to be ideologically neutral, even going as far as saying “beehaw is just a collection of individuals”, an ironically Thatcherite statement that suits them quite well.

            • silicon_reverie
              211 months ago

              That’s a pretty big accusation. I don’t have enough information to say one way or the other and have just read a handful of posts from the Beehaw mods, so I’d appreciate some context and direct evidence if there is any. From what I can tell, they’ve never pretended to be ideologically neutral, and seek to actively defend minority rights and push back against what they view as fascist movements.

              • @GarbageShootAlt2
                311 months ago

                Thankfully they had the evidence pinned for some time:

                Beehaw is a community of individuals and therefore does not have any specific political affiliation.


                Some of the instances that we have chosen to defederate with have explicit political stances and ideologies. Their political stance and ideology had nothing to do with the choice to defederate. The choice to defederate was based on the amount of hate speech present on the instance and/or explicitly endorsing it.

                And there’s more but you can just read it yourself:


                Obviously I support cracking down on hate speech, you can see my activity throughout this thread, which consists entirely of me doing that while taking maybe two or three asides to knock beehaw when someone else mentioned it. What I don’t support is taking the absurd position that it’s not a political stance.

                Of course, this all works as an excellent bit of smoke and mirrors for an audience of credulous radlibs to whom you don’t want to confess you are splitting with instances that are decidedly to your left – such as , the only instance which actually has site-mandated use of self-identified pronouns, which was put on the blacklist pre-emptively before it had federated with anyone (and it still hasn’t) for reasons that the userbase are left to conclude are “hate speech” or its “endorsement”.

          • HobbitFoot
            211 months ago

            What does it about the other users in MixedBag that they are ok on the same instance as BigotsRUs?

            If BigotsRUs was formed on the instance I was on, I would be talking to the admins on banning BigotsRUs before looking for a different instance.

      411 months ago

      Nah. Beehaw just has an agenda to push. I’m glad they defederate though. I want nothing to do with those Nazis.

    • @GarbageShootAlt2
      111 months ago

      Beehaw is more concerned about people to their left than to their right, and the endless agitation users did on demonstrates that.