The Chinese embassy has been forced to close several unofficial police stations operating in the UK after a government investigation into their “unacceptable”
The Chinese embassy has been forced to close several unofficial police stations operating in the UK after a government investigation into their “unacceptable”
Mentioning facts doesn’t make one racist.
Etc etc etc
I see somebody doesn’t know the difference between facts and opinions.
All of these students are lying i guess. I wonder what their opinion is? Especially those who’s families were bullied and those that had their passports confiscated.
No, you’re absolutely right, there is absolutely no precedent for these kinds of smear campaigns in the west.
I guess Australia’s two most respected news sources are lying. Ok.
Ah yes, because it’s inconceivable that western media would lie about China. 🤣
Well, you feel free to choose that particular hill. It’s clear what the truth is. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Enjoy continuing your Chinese propaganda.
Well, you feel free to choose that particular hill. It’s clear what you want to believe. Enjoy continuing your anti-Chinese propaganda.
It’s clear what I’ve seen with my own eyes. And that is that. Everything else is clearly, factually, not true.
Only thing clear here is that you’ve never actually explained what it is that you claim to have seen.
I think the links I’ve sent are enough to give anyone an idea. You have a great day, and keep posting about China’s superiority, as you have been in nearly your complete post history.