• @frippa
    6511 months ago

    Hear me out: Infinity for Lemmy

  • DessalinesA
    5911 months ago

    Haha seriously tho now it seems we’re getting a few more developer contributions, so hopefully its UX can improve.

    • @scoobford
      2011 months ago

      Honestly, I feel so bad criticizing without contributing, but at the same time, I don’t have any relevant skills with which to contribute.

      • DessalinesA
        2511 months ago

        It’s no problem to do that, I welcome criticism of all our UIs! I just prefer that it’s actionable, specific, and on our issue tracker so that devs can work on them.

      • croobat
        110 months ago

        Don’t feel, as long as it’s constructive and we all are at an understanding that devs may take some time to acknowledge them (tons of prior work), it’s fine.

        Of course you could always throw the a couple of cents if you got the chance, nobody minds being invited a coffee.

  • @balerion@beehaw.org
    5311 months ago

    Only one of them has a quintillion dollars to spend on making their shit look good. I’m less forgiving of that one.

  • TrollBlox
    4611 months ago

    BoostForLemmy? 👉👈

    • @DM_Gold@beehaw.org
      1711 months ago

      The dev of Jerboa based it off of Boost for Reddit. The only way you would get an exact copy is if the dev of boost decided to move over to Lemmy. Doubtful, but possible.

      • @Jediotty@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        911 months ago

        I was about to say to the post as a whole “eh, its not that bad, idk what you’re talking about”, and then saw this, I actually used boost for like 4 years lol

        • @DM_Gold@beehaw.org
          911 months ago

          Boost is great! A lot of the 3rd party apps are lovingly made. Stinks that Reddit decided money was more important than a user-base. But now we have Lemmy, which hopefully won’t even be able to be like that.

          • @Reaper_houstan
            1111 months ago

            I just got into lemmy, can’t imagine using reddit without boost, jeroba feels very similar to boost except for having very little customisations(the font size in the comments is bugging me a bit), but I think with time it’ll improve.

            • @kevin@beehaw.org
              511 months ago

              There’s an open PR that’ll fix the font size issue. I’m using it now and it’s great. I’m also personally working on trying to add my personal must-have UI options from Boost.

              • @Reaper_houstan
                211 months ago

                Ahh alright then, thank you for your work. Ps: sry if it sounded like I was complaining on the previous comment lol. I wish I could contribute, but I have no knowledge in this field.

    • @DarkwinDuck@feddit.de
      511 months ago

      That would be absolutely splendid. Although i have to say i’m extremely impressed by the website UI. It’s super fast and way better than most websites i’ve used recently.

    • @tristanphips
      411 months ago

      Big if true. Would make my dreams come true.

  • @creek
    3911 months ago

    Honestly, and I say this with no disrespect, but I feel like the UX is pretty lackluster across this entire ecosystem. It’s understandable, since I would imagine the bulk of developer priority is going towards just making things work as reliably as possible on the backend side of things. Fortunately, given the open source nature of things, I feel like the community will fill these gaps in over time. :)

    • @JshKlsn
      2411 months ago

      Web UI is actually really clean, fast, and very straight forward. I really enjoy it.

      The apps, though, suck. They are buggy as all hell, and they are completely featureless.

      • Rhaedas
        11 months ago

        Good to know. I’ve been trying to figure out how to get either of them to work, but if they aren’t as great as advertised, then I’ll stick with plain. I’m here for content anyway.

      • croobat
        110 months ago

        Is the mobile experience really that bad to some? I’ve been running Jerboa since migrating and it’s working flawlessly, some it lacks some features but I find it extremely usable. Maybe I just got a blessed device.

    • @AineLasagna@beehaw.org
      1811 months ago

      I would love to see the person who made Apollo for reddit develop a Lemmy app. MLEM is not bad but obviously barebones as it’s still in beta

      • @creek
        11 months ago

        You and I are in full agreement there. I’m guessing that he’s eventually going to work something out with Reddit, and keep his focus and priorities over there, but I would love to see something heavily inspired by Apollo make it’s way over to this side of the aisle. I’m hoping to start learning Swift (or Tauri+Rust) sometime in the next few months, so if we don’t have something by then, I might take a crack at it personally.

        • Nina
          211 months ago

          With how openly reddit is trashing on apollo specifically, I’m not so sure. I know he does probably want to, as he’s in the red either way (if existing yearly apollo subscribers can no longer get content, they can refund through apple and he has to eat that), but reddit seems like it’s taking a blowtorch to all bridges.

          But yeah, mlem right now isn’t much. Any more working on ios apps would be great.

    • @MonkeyLord
      911 months ago

      Lemmur looks really friggin good, but it apparently hasn’t been updated in over a year so it is completely broken atm

    • @unnecessarily
      811 months ago

      Some of the Mastodon-focused clients like Ivory/Ice Cubes look amazing. It won’t be long until we get something like that for Lemmy if it gains enough traction.

  • Scrubbles
    2811 months ago

    Meant in the best way possible - that was my thinking. If I’m going to take a step backward in functionality, I’m going to make the choice myself and go to the community where they’re pouring support into it. Not the now huge corporation trying to milk me for profit

  • @pancake
    2711 months ago

    Well, the good thing about Jerboa is that anyone can just make changes to it and send them to the devs, so now that more people are using Lemmy, it will improve really quickly!

    • DessalinesA
      2111 months ago

      I def need as much help as I can get with it.

      • Kuro
        1511 months ago

        I forked it already and am starting to poke around in the code. Hope I can get a few things added.

        • @creek
          411 months ago

          I’m planning on doing the same with Mlem. I know fuck all about Swift, but I’ll be using it as an opportunity to learn more about it, and hopefully contribute in areas that I am more familiar with.

      • @Malthur
        411 months ago

        You’re the Jerboa dev? I think the app is great.

          • @Vinny_93@lemmy.world
            210 months ago

            I come from Boost and the experience has been almost seamless. Things I enjoy more than boost: less settings to get lost in. Things I miss: content type filters and persistent community settings (e.g. if I sort by new somewhere I am used to the app remembering it).

            In any event: keep up the good work!

      • @teruma@beehaw.org
        311 months ago

        Honestly, it’s really good for a one-person/small team project. My only complaint is that the default layout is a bit spacious.

        edit: and for some reason I can’t double-tap to highlight words on Android?

        • DessalinesA
          311 months ago

          Click the view source button, then you can select text.

          • @teruma@beehaw.org
            111 months ago

            That doesn’t fix the issue for the text edit fields when writing posts or replies, but thanks for the work around for now.

  • @open_world
    2411 months ago

    Yeah hopefully it becomes better. The biggest problem for me so far is the choppy scrolling.

    • @Jumuta
      411 months ago

      I’ve not had that issue on my Pixel 6a running Android 13 build TQ2A.230505.002

    • me is me
      111 months ago

      I was able to fix the scrolling by building it in release mode idk what’s up with that since Google Play only accepts release mode APKs afaik

  • @XPost3000
    2111 months ago

    Tbh really hoping that 3rd party apps shift from Reddit to Lemmy cuz man that’d be the life

    • @explodicle
      311 months ago

      I would love to see Reddit seamlessly replaced. It would send the message that the server isn’t what makes a community.

  • @bdonvr@lemmy.rogers-net.com
    2111 months ago

    One is controlled by a large corporation seeking only profits. The other is an open source design that the community can do with as it likes.

    • DessalinesA
      3511 months ago

      I built it based off of boost’s UI actually!

      • @Aragorn
        711 months ago

        Boost is really good too

        • DessalinesA
          211 months ago

          Probably a password length issue.

          • @ch1cken@discuss.tchncs.de
            211 months ago

            ah you’re right, why does jerboa truncate passwords? i think there should at least be a warning displayed rather than “login invalid”

            • DessalinesA
              511 months ago

              It’s probably the opposite, jerboa doesn’t truncate passwords when it should, as the lemmy back end and lemmy ui use a 60 character limit. Open an issue on jerboas github if you would.

    • @HenryWong327
      811 months ago

      Huh, I’m also a Boost user, and I’ve found it pretty similar to Boost. What differences do you want to change?

      • @pliqtro@lemmy.one
        811 months ago

        A few themes (AMOLED for dark mode) would be great. For some reason, default font size seems to be too big for me when viewing a post and its comments, but normal for scrolling the feed. Adjusting it to size 12 made the post view look normal, but the feed now looks too small.

  • @Wololo@beehaw.org
    1811 months ago

    One is a big corporation, and the other is a bunch of indie devs. There should be no excuse for a big corporation to have bad UX.

    • @Tangentism
      511 months ago

      There should be no excuse for a big corporation to have bad UX.

      Plenty of corporations couldnt find their arse with both hands in so far as IT goes, let alone app development that doesnt blow.

    • @zekiz
      211 months ago

      Amazon enters the chat

  • @BigPapaE
    1611 months ago

    I just want to know if there’s a way to collapse comments haha

    • @PenguinGuy
      1111 months ago

      This would be a great improvement. I find myself tapping and holding on comments out of pure muscle memory. Would make threads a lot easier to read.

      • @Ffkhrocks@beehaw.org
        3211 months ago

        Found out in another thread that Jerboa does support this.

        Tap and hold the space at the top of the comment next to the username and it will collapse the comment thread. Tap and hold again to expand.

    • @zekiz
      11 months ago

      Yes. On Jerboa there is. You have to tap and hold the username for a bit

      Edit: seams like someone else already mentioned that. Oh well