Why is there #Mastodon and #Pixelfed?

On pixelfed there’s only images but you can filter mastodon for images. Why would I make two profiles and when do I post which image to which platform?

      • Corroded
        34 months ago

        It might have a bit to do with people being tired of mainstream social media sites trying to be everything and clone each other. Snapchat was a neat novelty to me initially but they tried to do too much and lost my interest. They may want to focus on doing one things exceptionally well

    • @davelA
      44 months ago

      I’m on a Mastodon instance with a 2,000 character limit for a reason: microblogging is only good for shitposting.

  • Otter
    4 months ago

    Why is there #Mastodon and #Pixelfed?

    I think it’s a matter of familiarity with existing platforms.

    • People used to microblogs can use Mastodon
    • People used to image/photography apps (Instagram, VSCO) can use pixelfed

    Why would I make two profiles and when do I post which image to which platform?

    You don’t need to make both! I just checked and you can follow Mastodon accounts on Pixelfed, and follow Pixelfed accounts on Mastodon.

    So I’d recommend using and posting on whichever platform you’re comfortable. If you care, you can open it on the other platform to check for formatting issues your viewers might experience.

    I keep both accounts myself because I use them at different times, and while I could filter on Mastodon I like the Pixelfed app and format. Also this lets me keep up with fediverse development

  • edric
    124 months ago

    Different kinds of social media. Mastodon is for microblogging (ala twitter) and Pixelfed is for picture-based posts (ala instagram).

  • @kfet@lemmy.ca
    114 months ago

    The proper question is “why not?”.

    Someone was motivated and capable enough and there you have it :)

  • @Ludrol@szmer.info
    94 months ago

    Why they exist?

    Because someone had enough motivation to create them.

    Why do you need to use them?

    You don’t.

    You are in control how the platforms are used. If mastodon can meet all your social media needs then stick to that.

  • The Barto
    24 months ago

    Why would I make two profiles and when do I post which image to which platform?

    When? Anytime you want.

    Why: Because they have different databases they access, it’s the same reason you cant log into Lemmy.world with a sh.itjust.works account.

  • @T4V0@lemmy.pt
    4 months ago

    Pixelfed is more similar to instagram and Mastodon to X (Twitter). They are different ways to access the Fediverse, Lemmy and Kbin are similar in that way (though Kbin can also use a interface similar to X).

    And posts in Mastodon and Pixelfed can be seen by each other’s users as long as the respective servers are federated. So choose your preferred app/interface and post freely. From what I’ve seen Pixelfed is used mostly by photographers.