• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I would say this very issue is at the core of the current CVE discussions that leads more and more projects to become their own CNAs.

    Security people and corporate downstream consumers of security feeds want to invest the minimum of effort while pushing as much of the evaluation what is and isn’t a vulnerability on the authors of library authors as possible. However, this does not work. A vulnerability can only ever truly be evaluated by investing significant amounts of effort in the abstract way that is required to do it in an upstream project. On the other hand, at point of use it is often trivial to discard the possibility of an exploit because the potentially vulnerable code is not even used by the project using the library that contains the code.

  • No, I actually meant it as in the traditional meaning of literally. As in

    unwrap_used = "warn"
    expect_used = "warn"

    along with a pre-commit hook that does

    cargo clippy -D warnings

    (deny warnings).

    There are always better ways to write an unwrap, usually via pattern matching and handling the error cases properly, at the very least logging them.

  • Tatsächlich wählen Christen nur unterdurchschnittlich AfD. Eine Studie der Universitäten Bern und Leipzig beschrieb 2020 die “immunisierende” Wirkung des christlichen Glaubens. Nur gilt die nicht für Rechtskatholiken und -protestanten, etwa für rechte Pietisten. Dort wird das Kreuz, wie der Soziologe Jan-Philip Steinmann in der Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie schreibt “mit einer doppelt so hohen Wahrscheinlichkeit bei rechtspopulistischen Parteien” gemacht.

    Könnte das vielleicht daran liegen dass Christen überdurchschnittlich die Unionsparteien wählen und durch deren politische Ähnlichkeit zur AfD seltener dorthin wechseln als Leute aus anderen Teilen des politischen Spektrums die dann im Zweifelsfall bei Radikalisierung die Union direkt überspringen und zur AfD gehen?

  • Restarting a system gets it into a known state making debugging easier.

    And what are you going to debug when the problem does not occur and you do not know how to reproduce it? There is a lot of information you can only gather while the problem occurs. And yes, this is from the software developer and sysadmin perspective, not from the layman perspective. I would rather spend a little bit more time on the problem now instead of having it occur again and again without getting any closer to an actual solution.