Hey everyone, I had a bit of an interesting idea recently. We should have our own Libre Culture Lemmy Book and/or Film Club! The rules are quite simple.

Any content we choose to discuss must be either in the public domain or must have a license that’s approved for free cultural works.

Every three months, we vote on a new film or novel to read, or a collection of short stories that are about the length of a novel combined. Other media could be allowed as well. Downvoting suggestions isn’t allowed, unless the suggested content is inappropriate.

I can’t wait to see how this’ll go! Please let me know what you guys think of this idea, and let’s begin voting in this comment section what we’d like to watch/read in March!

  • @tensor
    4 years ago

    My [book] suggestion: Warbreaker.

    I am already reading it though. On chapter 15 out of 58. It’s quite long.

    • @LofenyyOPM
      34 years ago

      I’ve heard of this one before, though I don’t know much about it. If everyone’s okay with a longer book, we could start with this one. It’s technically not approved for free cultural works but honestly, I think we can adjust the rule to include all the CC licenses haha.