Is it not allowed or frowned upon by the mods and maintainer of Lemmy? Although I do respect the technology and services that Lemmy and its community have provided, I’m still looking for answer on the fact whether it’s ok/allowed to have a vocal and confident opposing view.

Also, within this community (China), Am I allowed to post things that opposes the chinese government, such as, not liking their attitude towards a certain island in the south east of china?

  • @AgreeableLandscapeM
    2 years ago

    My official mod position is: Cite your claims with reasonable sources and argue in good faith and I won’t care (AKA don’t push conspiracy theories). As long as you’re not posting anti-China stuff from places like PragerU or the CIA, I’m not going to remove it and will consider it normal discourse even if I may not agree with what you’re saying.

    Note that this is independent of responses by the community. You may or may not get downvoted or have people voice their disagreement in the comments.