• @X51
    52 years ago

    That was is a rant about users, not the platform. I don’t use the site because it says I need credits to upload a video. I’m not going to do a damn thing to earn credits. If they want me to use their site and upload content that attracts viewers, then quit blocking me from uploading content. Someone replied that I can watch videos to earn credits… I’m not going to log in to watch videos. Privacy means not letting people track me on what content I view. I’m okay with not using any online video sites.

    • @Fisch
      22 years ago

      Don’t you need an account to upload videos anyway?

      • @X51
        12 years ago

        I am not going to watch videos while logged into an account. It’s none of the site’s business what I find interesting, I’m not looking for suggestions or wanting the site to predict what interests me. I have an account that I will never use again.