There are different income brackets in here, so going out to purchase items isn’t the most feasible.

  • TheConquestOfBed
    3 years ago

    I mean, that’s kind of the point? You’re trying to take an anthropological concept about unselfish resource sharing in small tribal villages where everyone grew up together, and apply it to disparate people habituated to a capitalist economy where many of the norms that uphold a gift economy are very dead. In order to make it work you have to recreate the conditions that give rise to gift economies.

    Now, if you want to use barter you can increase the reach of the system to people you don’t know directly. And it would be much less dependent on mutual trust.

      • TheConquestOfBed
        3 years ago

        Barter only requires trust at the point of contact that the trade will be fair, so it’s technically available to anyone, but has geographic limitations since physical items are used.