I know libtorrent added webtorrent support a while back, how does it work? I tried it in qBittorrent and Transmission, and it downloads from the webseed only

  • down daemonOP
    22 years ago

    i know that works, but libtorrent, that most major apps use, is supposed to support it now too

    • Oliver
      12 years ago

      Is this working in your case? The PeerTube-videos I have in my seeds (qBittorrent 4.3.9) have 2 trackers: https & wss. But in case of secured WebTorrent (wss) I just get ‘unsupported URL protocol’ for every torrent. If I stream a video from my mobile device I don’t see any upload from my Torrent-client on the Desktop - anyway I see little leeching-activity from time to time.

      • Oliver
        111 months ago

        libtorrent has no support for WebSocket (WS/WSS). If you seed it to someone, she or he is not downloading via WebTorrent.