I feel like someone tooling with a secure messaging app makes it less…reliable that its secure, despite yanking google play parts out of the code. Thoughts?

  • @sibachian
    13 years ago

    I totally and entirely agree that element suck largely due to its inherent limitations as an electron app (speed, memory use, etc) and I despise electron out of principle. But it is as you said, the only matrix client which is ahead in development. And yes, it has a handful of bugs, but nothing that should deterrent people from using it, i mean, the vast majority use Messenger as their daily driver, and it is plagued by bugs, especially in the desktop client, more so than Element I’d say.

    But yeah, being an electron app is not an argument, sadly. At least not as an argument not to use Element. As the most common chat applications (discord, messenger, signal, whatsapp) are all electron apps as well. Telegram is a notable exception, but Telegram is not secure and should never be brought up among the security/privacy based alternatives (same goes for Whatsapp). Which leaves us with Element, Signal, and the myriad of federated XMPP clients.

    But, I don’t even see the point in Signal. It’s centralized, american, and lacks all modern chat features. There is no reason for anyone to ever choose Signal over any of the XMPP clients. Especially considering XMPP is ancient, stable, has more features than signal, federated, and secure. And so, for modern chat features, that leaves matrix.org as the only option on the market. Basically.