Hello, I’ve been looking into email providers. I’m not an activist, just a regular user concerned over privacy.
I used CTemplar in the past until it shut down. Had a cockli email and although it isn’t Google the privacy isn’t stellar either. I tried to get into Proton, but being unable to use Thunderbird on he free plan was a massive turn-off for me since I like switching easily between different accounts.
After a bit of searching the following came across for me as the best services: [free] Autistici, PARANOID, Disroot. [paid] Posteo, Elude.
Assuming I theoretically got invites for all the free services (they’re all reliant on manual approvation), which one would you recommend?
@edit: After reading a bit on the free services, I decided that I will choose them in a Disroot > Autisci > PARANOID order of priority,
Proton Mail, Tutanota or Skiff would be my recommendations.
Nowadays my daily e-mail provider is Skiff.
Can’t link to Thunderbird but that’s the price to pay for E2EE. Personally I’m fine with that but I understand that my needs are different from every other person.
Proton retains your data definitively, and although it is encrypted, they’re the ones who generate your encryption key as well. If they want to act maliciously, they are totally able to. Also can’t register using a VPN or Tor without giving personable identifiable info. Tutanota has the second problem as well.
Skiff collects the pages you visited before using their webmail - creepy:
Pages you visited in Skiff ecosystem.
They don’t know you visited Lemmy before accessing Skiff. But they will know you visited Skiff Drive before you visited Skiff Mail.
Nope, pages outside Skiff too.
They removed that from the ToS but before it was very much there. They still kept this:
I’ve managed to sign up to Protonmail a couple of times without having to provide any contact details and I was using a VPN… But maybe I’ve just been lucky