• ghost_laptop
    23 years ago

    Ah, fair enough, thanks for the documentaries, they look interesting. My only experience with him was this video and those Reddit comments, so sorry if I had a wrong vision about him.

    • Helix
      3 years ago

      no worries :)

      I can really recommend watching his channel. You have to watch a few videos to get his personality, but then you find out he provides a really unique view and explanations of Chinese culture which really made me appreciate China a lot.

      Most people who really hate him are Chinese nationalists. Sure, he’s also doing a bit of propaganda and often blows his experiences out of proportion, but you can easily filter through that if you speak English well.

      He always differentiates between the CCP and China and “the Chinese”, where he always stresses that there’s not the stereotypical Chinese person, but that there are many regions with many different cultural identities and interesting people and places to visit.