I love:

  1. The users/community
  2. That it is a viable alternative to twitter for me
  3. That it had so many people on there
  4. That the development is community funded
  • @dignity
    54 years ago

    I found lot of open and friendly people on Mastodon and not only bot.

    • @kernel
      64 years ago

      Do you have any recommendations on how to find friendly/interesting people? My local/federated timeline is mostly trash.

      • @dignity
        44 years ago

        try to find a smaller instance with your interests and use filters.

      • @pinkpriusOP
        14 years ago

        Every time you think someone is cool/worth following/interesting go through their following list and check out who they are following. You will have to click on the list on the profile on their server, not in the web UI because your server won’t know all people they are following.