• @GenkiFeral
    03 years ago

    One thing I do like about FB doing this, though, has to do with that word DISINFORMTION. Who died and made someone else god to judge what is true or not true. Some things are more true than others, but a lot of truth is subjective and many people/groups cherry-pick their facts while leaving other facts out.

    • @ganymede
      13 years ago

      you have a point, but a proper study should also address that. and if they don’t that is absolutely a separate issue.

    • @nurkurz
      13 years ago

      If a newspaper told you to inject bleach, they should be (and probably are) liable for that. I don’t see a reason why facebook shouldn’t be.

      They are not fighting DISINFORMATION, they are fighting liabilty.

      • @GenkiFeral
        03 years ago

        I thought that was what that court case was about a few years ago and that it was decided that FB and other social media was more like a blackboard or bathroom stall - that people write on and that it isn’t their faults if people write false things on it. I also am leery of who controls ‘truth’. I still cringe when hearing about religious groups controlling truth. I am not saying ‘truth’ is completely subjective, yet I can’t make myself believe that it is completely objective, either. Perhaps ‘truth’ is closer to being situational: “If this, then that”. I dislike having another’s ‘truth’ forced upon me. heck, that is one reason i can’t stand being around my own family. I want to be happy and free and not constantly argue about whose ‘truth’ is correct. Live and let live (within reason and there again, who’s reason?).

      • @Belaptir
        2 years ago

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