• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    1 year ago

    It’s pretty clear that meaningful discussion is not possible here. I’ve explained my position to you repeatedly, and you just continue to regurgitate the same tropes you started with. Nobody is making any threats, I’ve simply explained to you where this all leads if neither side is willing to negotiate. You just keep using straw man arguments to misrepresent what I say. If you had even the most basic understanding of what the threat of a nuclear war means then you wouldn’t be writing the drivel that you are. Enjoy having the last word since you clearly need to.

    • TWeaK
      1 year ago

      You haven’t explained your position at all. You’ve dropped names and linked to articles in the hope of wearing me out, all without actually giving any detail yourself.

      When I have presented you with detail, when I have asked you simple, explicit questions, you have dodged.

      The only last word I wish to have is as friends with an agreement over ideas. However you have refused to present any ideas yourself, instead you have tactically moved around and promoted a specific narrative. When I have described ideas that align with your presented ideology, you have rejected and moved away from them because you cannot be seen to “agree with me”.

      There is definitely meaningful discussion to be had here, you just have to be more open.

      To me, what’s most frustrating is that you could better promote your position while being more open, but it feels like there’s this arbitrary wall in place that prevents you from doing so.