• birokop
    4 years ago

    Just because mozilla.org has analytics doesn’t mean the browser has. How does brave track with these “crypto apis”? Vivaldi isn’t even opensource, it could be tracking you as much as it wants.

    • ZerushOP
      4 years ago

      It don’t. FF don’t track the user, right, but if you sync your data, it use the Mozilla server and these track you. Vivaldi has a own server for sync your data, bookmarks, settings, etc, enrypted end to end. Vivaldi don’t have acces to these data, nor to the password you use. If you lost the password, you lose your data. Vivaldi can’t restore it. Jon von Tetzchner is the first against the user tracking to make money, long before Norway make a law against it (see other thread of this). Every browser, need money to pay servers and other costs, its irrelevant its FOSS or no, Vivaldi do this by links and search engines included by default (the user can delete them in the settings, if he want), merchandizing and donations, no by tracking like others do. FOSS is a good system for developers to share, collaborate and fork a product, that make sense in a new software which don’t exist before, but in a market with ~50 browsers and other 74 browsers which are discontinued, FOSS or no is irrelevant for the user, there only is important the TOS and the PP which it has. Complex internet suites like Vivaldi has a lot of very different licenses, all of them auditable, but part of the code (5%) of the UI has a patent from Vivaldi, but they permit the modification by the user, for su private use, but not the use by large companies, like Google or MS. Because of this Vivaldi isn’t pure FOSS, no for other reasons, but it hasn’t to do with Privacy or surveilling the user.