• Aiwendil
    4 years ago

    Okay, in advance…sorry for mainly criticising, the content itself is basic but maybe useful for people coming from windows and new to linux.

    For example, if I wanted to switch to the Documents directory, I could type this.

    Cd Documents.

    Linux is case sensitive…and while this might be blog software used giving an example that won’t work is maybe not a good idea. Needs to be “cd Documents”

    Same later on with “Cp /original/pathto/filename /path/to/copy/to” and also “Mkdir “name of directory you want to make””

    cp paragraph messed up the headline ;)

    Different syntax…the rm example uses /path/to/file while the mkdir example uses “name of directory you want to make”, probably should stick to one way.

    And while I think short and very basic introductions to commands can be helpful links to full explanation/man pages for each discussed command might be a good idea or it gives the impression those commands are as limited as described there.