it feels sort of liberated using nothing but decentralized social networks. knowing that I’m being watched all the time and now I’ve just given up using them.

I want to contribute the most I can to the fediverse, Do I still have to upload things on corporate social media to do that?

  • smallcircles
    23 years ago

    Some more detail to the great points provided by @ajz:

    • The fediverse ecosystem and standards - the foundation on which it all stands - is evolved by the grassroots SocialHub community.
    • SocialHub is unfortunately very small and needs more active participation. It makes fedi weaker than most people think. I wrote the Spiral Island analogy for it.
    • SocialHub is not just for technologists, but for anyone that wants to evolve fedi into the future. There’s the Fediverse Futures where you can post.
    • And there’s also the Fediverse Futures Lemmy community, which is purely for nice, delicious brainstorming and dreaming of all that’s possible.
    • When it comes to apps & software you can promote, the most complete are the ActivityPub Application Watchlist and the ActivityPub Developer Resources Watchlist (they are input for Fediverse Party).