Hi all, since I imagine a lot of you are here for the same reasons I am (a dislike of Reddit, prefer open source) how about some thoughts on how we can pull more users over to Lemmy and this linux_gaming community?

I’ve been advertising it where I can but I can only do so much myself in between running GOL directly. There’s also an announcement bar on GOL that mentions Lemmy on rotation (it’s random on refreshes) at the top :) and I Tweet/Mastodon post about it at times too.

What can we do? Any interesting ideas?

We didn’t manage to break 1K by the end of May, so let’s go for the end of June for 1K subs to linux_gaming!

  • @nutomicA
    13 years ago

    Unfortunately it is impossible to change the domain of a federated instance, it would break all kinds of things for connected instances.

    • @sirsquidOPM
      13 years ago

      Ack, that’s a shame. Hmm, what about a linked/parked domain (I forget the term) that simply points to lemmy.ml.

      • @nutomicA
        13 years ago

        Problem is that there is no good domain available.

        • @sirsquidOPM
          13 years ago

          Well, it doesn’t have to exactly match though right?