Seeing the news of Apple using DXVK for the their new toolkit rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t think it’s right that corporations can just use your tools and give nothing back.

Given this, I think it’d be a good idea for DXVK to switch to MPL. I think hard copyleft would probably kill the project, but file based is a pretty good compromise in my opinion.

  • art
    1 year ago

    In some ways it’s a hard thing to police because large corporations like Google, Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft will always take and even when they do give back sometimes they get back for nefarious reasons. We in the larger community can only keep making these packages available to as many people as possible, and be vigilant about the tools been dropped behind paywalls.

    Switching a license is not a small feat, depending on the license involved, you do have to get permission from all license holders or give them the opportunity to pull their code.