Vivaldi don’t make money with selling user data, but the smal Vivaldi cooperative also ned to pay the infrastructure, servers and also they want to eat from time to time. For this reason, the business model is based on sponsored links and search engines that it includes by default, which the user is free to use to support Vivaldi, or also to delete them if not. Apart from this there are some products in the store, such as caps, t-shirts, etc. Spreading Vivaldi, to gain new users naturally also helps. After the insistence of the users, it has finally been decided to also accept donations, which at first was not foreseen.

    • @adrianmalacoda
      3 years ago

      privacy and FLOSS advocates are mostly the same people

      In my experience this is only partially true. Free Software advocates value privacy (such that the most highly regarded “privacy browser” is GNU IceCat, which is a synthesis of Mozilla technology and GNU philosophy), but privacy advocates do not really value software freedom, and frequently sometimes trash FOSS in order to promote proprietary “privacy friendly” apps like Vivaldi. They will claim that it doesn’t matter if it’s FOSS or not as long as it is “privacy focused” and they will make this claim even in nominally “FOSS” focused spaces on e.g. reddit, as if to say that the Free Software movement is worthless except as a means to privacy.

      It’s refreshing to see some push back against the “FOSS doesn’t matter” idea here on Lemmy.

      edit: word choice

        • @adrianmalacoda
          3 years ago

          Maybe frequently was a bad choice of words there. It’s just my personal experience in some free software focused subreddits specifically /r/fossdroid and /r/fdroid. It could be a problem specifically in the Android community, I don’t see it as often in the general free software subs (although /r/freesoftware is mostly people mistaking Libre for Gratis, and /r/opensource is, well, an open source subreddit not really a free software one). Did not mean to impugn the privacy community in general, just venting about interactions I’ve had in FOSS spaces.

    • @ZerushOP
      3 years ago

      All the code of Vivaldi is open for audit, only a part of the code of theUI is obfuscated for comercial use, because if not, the big ones fork it and Vivaldi dies, apart Vivaldi itself permit the user to mod this part, include explains how in the Forum. Jon von Tetschner want to repeat the same error as with the old Opera and is the first one which is against Google influence and user tracking, he don’t like to loss again a browser with a different perspective and centerd in the user needs to big companies which violate this principles. The best proof of this is, when in previous versions of Vivaldi, Google prevented access to certain services and websites with discriminatory browsersniffing, when Vivaldi appeared in the UA string, supposedly due to lack of compatibility, which was naturally nonsense. This after von Tezchner’s interview where he asked Google to go back to his motto of ‘Don’t be evil’. Vivaldi, therefore, eliminate the name of the UA, against his own interests, in favor of the user. All the functions and tools that Vivaldi includes by default are included based on requests and user votes. Even what this thread is about, including a donation button, is due to multiple requests from users, not Vivaldi’s decision and it has lasted a long time until they accepted it.

      P.S. Blink’s father is KDE and like all engines FOSS and with much more potential than Gecko and especially Apple’s outdated WebKit. There have been no other viable engines for 20 years, others have already disappeared, such as Presto, Trident and others, due to their inability to work with new web standards… Not everything that says ‘proprietary’ is automatically wrong and abusive, and not everything that says FOSS is a panacea. FOSS is certainly preferable in apps and in different areas for several reasons, but in other areas, such as browsers, it is currently irrelevant, there other things count. It makes no sense to launch other forks, be it Firefox or Chromium, in an already saturated market, if it does not offer something different, it will only erode the list of ‘discontinued’ like fifty before, See list of browsers on Wiki. This helps no one, not the user and not the developers.

      • @onlooker
        33 years ago

        Blink’s father is KDE

        KHTML is not the same as KDE. Chrome is not a desktop environment and KDE is not a web browser. And furthermore Blink was forked from Webkit, which itself was a fork of KHTML. So grandfather, if anything, but they’re so far removed I would hardly call KHTML and Blink related at this point.

        others have already disappeared, such as Presto, Trident and others, due to their inability to work with new web standards

        [Citation needed]. Pretty sure they disappeared because their parent company screwed up, not because of web standards compliance or whatever. Speaking of web standards, Blink browsers are the vast majority of the market right now. Because of this Google is now in a position to define web standards, which as we all know is super great.

        It makes no sense to launch other forks

        And yet, here we are.