I love the cool DIY vibes on itch, but it’s troubling how much commercial closed-source tech you see on there. Also itch itself is not a free-software platform. They encourage gamedevs to share their games, but themselves don’t share their software… just as hypocrit as evil Github!

My questions are:

  • is there a free-software itch-like platform? maybe even a federated one where you don’t need a centralized server?
  • is there an itch-like platform dedicated to free-software games?

I remember there were a few projects like that YEARS AGO in the early days of Steam but i don’t remember the names and i don’t know how successful they were.

Anyway, are folks from this community interested in this?

  • ghost_laptop
    23 years ago

    Tahts the official desktop app, and that organization has a ton of other repositories, what is missing from the whole project to be published?

    • @southerntofuOP
      13 years ago

      Well their server-side source code, plus installation instructions. They have published some tiny bits, but not the whole. The closest i found was this which is a fake (mock) implementation of the server-side API.

      If you are close to the itch folks, it’d be interesting to see if they’d be interested in making itch free-software and selfhostable, even federated so that authors can choose where to publish their games.