Should I be aggressively vegan? Should I isolate myself from all my non-vegan friends which equals all my friends? Should I kill over veganism? I feel complicit but I don’t want to lose all my friends. Should I get over it?

  • @k_o_tM
    3 years ago

    as much as I’d like it to be this way, bullying irl doesn’t work very well, activism is typically more effecient

    this doesn’t mean that you should be the “pick me vegan”, who constantly tries to seek validation from omnis by telling them that you’re a “chill” vegan and it’s a personal choice or some other nonsense

    be assertive, but don’t just pointlessly insult, not that ominis don’t deserve insults, but hostility generally turns people away; ask them how do they feel about all the suffering that they cause, try the analogy with pets and “other” animals

    little things like calling “meat” of certain animals “flesh” or pieces of <animal> can elevate their disgust over time

    also, you probably need to know the basics before you confront people, so that you are easily able to refute their arguments that a non-knowledgeable in that area person might come up with on the spot

    even there is no such thing as a veganism for health or environment, you could use these arguments, i.e. how vegans live a decade longer on average, have significantly lower rates of diseases like certain types of cancer, diabetes, atherosclerosis, cardiac diseases etc, tell them how incredibly inefficient animal agriculture is etc

    but, as others mentioned, it depends a lot on the type of relation that you have with these people, you need to adjust your strategy on the fly, it’s different for every person, also it’s much easier to start gradually and then pile up…