Basically title. I might be having a crush on a non-vegan who’s quite possibly also not a leftist. Do you have any advice on this?
Basically title. I might be having a crush on a non-vegan who’s quite possibly also not a leftist. Do you have any advice on this?
My advice is, don’t let hate guide you. Love everyone, even if they are not like you, even if you disagree with their way of life, maybe even if they are not good people.
You are vegan because you love everything that feels, no matter even their species. You are a leftist because you have social principles above everything. You are an anarchist because you believe in people above systems and hierarchies. If you remember that and love others above all, you’ll always be in the “good” side of the story, and not just yet another person who thinks themselves and their ideas above others.
tl;dr: love people even if they are literal neonazis, and you’ll be loyal to your principles