I haven’t read a lot of these sources myself yet, but the first one at least by the Communist Party of India is worth a read.

  • @khaonuts
    43 years ago

    keep in mind, all of these articles are coming from people who spent the last three decades crucifying and slaughtering muslims and black people, millions of them dead, most of them innocent, all of these crimes the nazis are guilty of ten fold and worse. they don’t care about muslims, they want a war with china because they turned globalism into a war they can’t win.

    they’re stupid fucking nazis

    • @poVoq
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • @khaonuts
        23 years ago

        if criticism of rms ends the free software movement it wasn’t much of a movement to begin with. silo-ing movements is always a bad idea, as is erecting pillars necessary for the movement, as is gate keeping, as is being a complete piece of shit