• @freagle@lemmygrad.ml
    71 year ago

    Flatpaks are actually pretty OK. There’s a security layer that can tweaked with FlatSeal and you can control every single resource a flatpak binary has access to.

    • borari
      21 year ago

      I feel like I remember there being a lot of pushback against flatpak even as recently as a few years ago. Wasn’t there a strong preference for programs to be in mainline repos or something like the Arch AUR?

      I know the AUR is being depreciated soon. Was there a major shift in receptiveness to flatpaks or something? From a security point of view I feel like the baked in sandboxing of flatpak binaries is probably a strong selling point.

      • @Vorthas
        41 year ago

        Wait, AUR is being deprecated? You got a source for that? That’s like the one major selling point of using Arch or Arch-based distros (EndeavourOS, etc.) for me. I personally prefer to install my programs natively and not use snaps, flatpaks, etc.

        • borari
          41 year ago

          I’ve spent like 20 minutes trying to figure out what lodged that thought in my brain and I can’t find anything. I think maybe I mixed up a Kali extras repo or something, but can’t find any mention of that either, so clearly I’m losing it.

          • @Adda
            1 year ago

            You gave me quite a scare, too. It is unrealistic for Arch and its derivatives, but the few seconds before a brain starts working again were terrifying. But I believe there truly was some mistake somewhere along the way, as I am pretty certain no such thing is happening in the close future. Make sure to treat yourself to a good night sleep tonight for all the hard work you do ❤