Hi. I posted a similar, lengthier post on raddle.me on this very topic. I’ve been a reddit user for a while, and I’m not leaving reddit, I love the site. I decided to journey onto other alternatives, just to see what’s out there. Ooh boy!

My first alternative to reddit I tried was notabug.io. I noticed it’s much more unmoderated, and saw some words I wish I could unsee. Everyone has a right to say whatever they want, I’m not saying they can’t.

Second alternative I tried was Ruqqus. I’m still a member, but for how long, who knows? If you’ve heard of Voat, you’ll understand why I won’t be staying on Ruqqus for long. I saw a lot of white power/white supremacist advocacy, anti-semitic, racism, and homophobic threads, etc. They use the N-word a lot. Like, a lot.

Last alternative I tried was Aether. I used it in the past, and it wasn’t at all toxic or bad. Recently, it’s gotten worse. Much, much worse. They have an NSFW section, and same thing as Ruqqus. Lots of homophobia and racism.

I just felt I needed to air my grievances. Thanks for reading.

  • @1690297
    13 years ago

    I used aether for a little bit, I liked how it was decentralized but I lost my private keys and I am now forever locked out of my account. Which isn’t that much of a big deal as all posts are deleted (or at least no longer propagate) after 6 months.