Many other guides dive deep into 10 plus pages of how to set up such a service with Dovecot, Postfix and a web server all from the command line, but this one is a lot simpler because most of what you need is inside Citadel. Citadel also has calendar, Contacts, Notes, Tasks and chat rooms so can be a good alternative to Google or other providers. Your only cost really is the Raspberry Pi and a domain name if you don’t already have one.

You could tweak this a bit further by using your own DNS provider (or alternative to Cloudflare) and considering an external hard drive connected to the Pi for reliability.


#technology #email #privacy #raspberrypi #alternativeto #opensource

  • GadgeteerZAOP
    23 years ago

    But as stated there “The Anti-Capitalist Software License is not an open source software license”. Open source has to be an unrestricted license for it to fulfil the defintion.

    • @southerntofu
      03 years ago

      To fulfill the OSI definition, yes. But open source as used by the public and the industry means “i can read the source code” and strictly nothing more. By that definition, ACSL is open-source.