• @Niquarl
    23 years ago

    Merci! Je vais aller jeter un coup d’œil :) Je crois pas que c’est mis en avant sur la page instance de lemmy tiens.

    Hey @nutomic@lemmy.ml this is a francophone lemmy instance. I don’t rhinkbir’s listed on the Join Lemmy website, could it be possible to add it? (It’s the same organisation that hosts the peertube.social writefreely blog)

    • @nutomicA
      13 years ago

      That instance runs a very old Lemmy version, which wont federate with the latest version. If they update and the admin is interested, we can include them.

      • @Niquarl
        23 years ago

        Ok thanks for the reply. A shame it’s not up-to-date but there are few users on it anyway.