I haven’t read this yet, simply skimmed a few sentences here and there. This is really insightful helpful info that every American (and everyone with interest in America) should absolutely check out. The info covers last year, 2022, and how America is changing, spoiler alert, it ISN’T for the better. The writer really didn’t pull punches. This article is essentially China’s version of 2pac’s Hit Em Up. And instead of Notorious B.I.G. as the target, it’s the USA.

  • ButtigiegMineralMapOP
    71 year ago

    There’s a dude on YT who does exactly that shit, he took a legitimate full one gram dab on camera and he made a 2 parter. 1st part is him ripping it, 2nd video is him coughing his lungs out and nearly passing out and coming close to vomiting(he doesn’t). Crazy shit, makes you not wanna smoke tbh

    • SovereignState
      71 year ago

      I hate how fast weed burns. It makes you feel like you’re in a race to make sure you don’t waste any. Inhale, inhale, inhale. Maybe I’m just packing wrong, but I’d prefer if a weed cig / J burned at the same pace as a cigarette. Or if it deadened your filia like tobacco does so you don’t cough lol, but in a somehow not dangerous way 😵‍💫 Mixing tobacco and weed is a way to do it, although I shouldn’t have to emphasize to stay away from tobacco at all costs. There may be a healthier way to enjoy it, but shit is addictive like crazy.

      Dabs are a little different, but they still go fast, and if it was a dab vape those feel like absolutely nothing when you inhale them. It’s the fuckin exhale that gets ya, at least in my experience.

      • ButtigiegMineralMapOP
        71 year ago

        Yea nicotine is addictive, working on quitting now. And also I’m not very big on smoking bud bc I agree it burns up fast and seems like a waste of money. I live in a legal state so I do get stuff that I know isn’t gonna kill me bc it’s a fake cartridge or something(a huge problem in the US that’s not talked about, one of marijuana’s biggest obstacles to pass because plenty of people associate marijuana with those Mario Carts or whatever fake shit is out there bc of a lack of regulation.) only way I know to genuinely save bud from being used up too quickly is those vaporization bags. You put a tiny tiny amount of weed in the vaporizer and it fills up a bag that you inhale. You don’t need to inhale the whole thing in a minute or anything, you can pace it out over a few minutes. Or if you know how you can gravity bong but it’s a bit advanced for me and I never did it