• Anarcho-Bolshevik
    1 year ago

    To borrow a phrase from Bordiga, capitalism can allow those that it ejects from the productive process to die on their own. On the other hand, if the mass of transgender humans forced into the lumpenproletariat reaches the point where it becomes unmanageable (which I think is reasonably possible), the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie shall feel that the methods of individual instances of state violence and extrastate, unauthorized violence can no longer suffice, and shall resort to a very conscious and deliberate policy of populicide.

            • @cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
              31 year ago

              Which shows just how patently absurd all of the hysteria and fearmongering of the conservative right over trans people is. But i guess that’s the point, they are picking a group to victimize that is too small to be able to mount an organized resistance now that they found that going after gay people was too hard. Due to this numerical inferiority it is clear that allies are needed, and this is where we should expect the next attack of the reactionaries to come. They will try to drive wedges between trans people and the larger queer community and its supporters. TERF-like ideologies will be developed to create this split while at the same time the right continues to escalate its propaganda campaign in order to justify more and more violent action by painting trans people as a grave threat to family and society.