• @mauveOkra@lemmygrad.ml
              41 year ago

              I’m a native English speaker and I have no idea what they’re talking about. I don’t think they realized you were alluding to the EU politician that called Europe a garden and the rest of the world a jungle.

                • @EnchantedWhetstones@lemmygrad.ml
                  1 year ago

                  I guess, yeah, but I am just incredulous at the idea that Russia’s relationship with the west is beneficial in any way to anyone other than an oligarch selling titanium or whatever. It doesn’t even have to be China. The relationship of Gardeners to the rest of the world is parasitic! Any financial relationships with one another will be better because their economies don’t run off plunder!

                  At the same time I understand why people are wary China will do the same stuff as the USA. Their central bank operates very differently than the federal reserve, so I wouldn’t worry.

                  • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
                    31 year ago

                    In my particular case the concern is of different nature. There’s actually no need for any ill will or malice from China’s side for this relationship to be dangerous for Russian citizens. The issue is the capitalist nature of Russia. For instance, China produces cargo trucks. AFAIK they’re quite good in quality, and they can be produced at incredible rates, in insane quantities. On the other there’s KAMAZ in Russia. Does China want to bankrupt KAMAZ? Doubt it. But it will, because it can make trucks better and cheaper, and the capitalists who require trucks for their gains will inevitably choose what lets them do so without cutting too much into profits. What will happen to the people working at the plants? The government won’t support them, because of capitalist mode of production.

                    Hope I am making sense.

              • @EnchantedWhetstones@lemmygrad.ml
                1 year ago

                Jossip Borrel? I know him. I am just incredulous at the idea that Russia’s relationship with the west is beneficial in any way to anyone other than an oligarch selling titanium or whatever. In addition, Russia may be better off overall in the new Asia.