• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    41 year ago

    This war literally wouldn’t be happening if not for US ambitions to encircle and weaken Russia.

    • @pingveno
      -31 year ago

      The encirclement claim does not match with the facts. Around 6% of Russia borders a NATO country. 6% falls quite a few percentage points short of 100%. And in case you didn’t notice, NATO has no interest in fighting Russia. It could have directly stepped into the conflict in Ukraine at any point and absolutely crushed Russian forces. It has not because the consequences would be so dire. That said, weaken? Absolutely. But hopefully future relationships can normalize again once Russia’s elite get over their Great Russia imperialist ambitions.

        • @pingveno
          1 year ago

          About what? I included several points. Also, that’s ultimately just a research paper, even if RAND is a quasi-governmental think tank. Going back to it again and again as an authoritative document is a bad look. While it may be used to form US policy, no one is obligated to do so.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
            21 year ago

            All of your “points” have been repeatedly addressed many times on this site. Yet, you continue shamelessly lying about the situation. Why do you keep doing this?

            • @pingveno
              -11 year ago

              I can’t form a response if all you’re going to do is link me to that document yet again without even saying how it contradicts me. Was it encirclement? That can’t be, because the document doesn’t address that. Was it weakening Russia? The document is focused on that, but I straight out said that the US is trying to weaken Russia. So what is it that I’m supposedly lying about?

              • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                51 year ago

                We have had this exact discussion many times on this site. I have provided you with detailed explanations and numerous references from western media and western researches explaining how and why US created the conditions for the war. The RAND paper I linked earlier clearly details the motivation and the methods US would use to provoke Russia into war in Ukraine.

                Yet, despite all this, you continue insisting that Russia invaded Ukraine unprovoked and that US had no role in creating this conflict. What you are supposed to do is educate yourself on this subject or avoid spreading misinformation.