• Muad'Dibber
    131 year ago

    Unhinged behavior from that maintainer. How do they not realize how racist it is to deny a patch due to someone’s nationality?

    • Western media-military succeeded in creating their Reich I think. Their goal has always been to manufacture consent, and the conditions were prepared for it to happen, by brainwashing all their citizens in what is the biggest panopticon in human history.

      Last year we had that node-ipc NPM incident, now we have this. In between, there have been plenty smaller attempts to cut off Russia and Russians off of global (aka western) internet diaspora from all of Big Tech, and Reddit banning any .ru link posts. There has already been a ban on access to Google Play Store and iPhone support for Russia has been shut down as well, from what I know.

    • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      101 year ago

      deny a patch due to someone’s nationality?

      “Well dey are hwyte so it’s not racist” plus some excuses about “authoritarian regime” and “slave mentality”