• They also failed to anticipate that the vast majority of countries would not only ignore the sanctions but proactively explore options for “ditching the dollar” in their business transactions and in the sale of critical resources.

    This is pretty important point. Half of the world wanted to do it earlier, but everyone who really tried, was ruthlessly destroyed by USA. Like Saddam and Gaddafi. US was showing the world that everyone who oppose them on that would be literally murdered and have their countries plunged into war and decades of humanitarian and civilizational crisis… “surely financing our empire is better, right?”

    And they did wanted to do the same with Russia, but this is the first time somebody resisted, and everyone is now moving since the empire is busy and can’t invade anyone else in the moment.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      211 year ago

      US completely misread the power balance between the west and Russia. This was supposed to be a “twenty minutes adventure” that turned into an utter debacle for the west. They’re now realizing things are going horribly wrong, but they never even thought to make a backup plan because it was inconceivable to think that Russia could resist the west militarily or economically.

      Meanwhile, the rest of the world is starting to realize that this is the best chance they’re going to have to get out from under the yoke of the western empire. When the conflict started most countries were hedging their bets. As it’s becoming increasingly clear that Russia is winning, more and more countries are starting to openly defy the west and this becomes a self reinforcing cycle. I expect that BRICS in particular will become the dominant economic power globally when the dust settles. The west will find itself increasingly isolated. Since western countries are largely deindustrialized and far from being self sufficient, they will have little choice by to become supplicants to those whom they presumed to rule over.

      • @PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        “A short, victorious war” routinely proposed and waged by declining empires for various reasons. Yet almost none of them usually went as intended… as brief lecture of Sun Tzu plus any history book would clearly tell.

        I also had laugh at the “Powell Doctrine”, sure, it’s pretty logical guideline for imperialism but US did not even followed it a single time, including Powell himself.

        Also it’s not accident that so many stated applied to BRICS after the war started.