One guy said maybe the rich will worry about climate change now that they will live long enough, lmao.

  • SovereignState
    1 year ago

    Some of these motherfuckers are getting so old that it makes me scared they’ve already found it, siphoning blood from the youth or eating fetuses or whatever demonic shit they’re doing. Henry Kissinger is 99 years old and still won’t shut his fucking mouth. George H.W. lived to 94. Biden’s 80 but everybody’s content acting like it isn’t fucking strange that we live in a geriatocracy with living corpses ruling us.

    Don’t let em live longer. Begging the cosmos that immortality is impossible so we don’t have to suffer these ghouls for longer than naturally possible. (Plus we wouldn’t get to use the crab emoji nearly as often 🦀)

      231 year ago

      I suspect it has to with a number of factors:

      • access to premium healthcare on demand

      • lack of physical labor

      • lack of much labor in general, I sincerely doubt these fucks have to work even as much as your average white collar office drone does

        • DankZedong
          1 year ago

          I’ve worked as a carpenter, I worked in a steel factory and I am now doing an office job. An office job is tiring on so many different levels. Plus you sit all day which completely sucks ass.

          Not that the other two jobs were easy but at least I got some physical training at the same time.

          Edit: after reading the original comment again I understood that it was not comment on office work vs physical labor but instead capitalist ghoul vs office worker