I would like

  • private who is
  • least amount of data given to provider
  • website builder is welcomed
  • @Kajika
    1 year ago

    No one is going to spend the resources to DDOS you. Also those attacks are temporary, they are a plague when having a website unreachable means money loss. For instance anyone can DDOS my blog I wouldn’t care, even for a whole week (I have IP bans mechanism btw).

    Also do you think your IP is secret right now? Do you run JavaScript? Does any device in your home run any JavaScript? Does anyone uses anything like discord, zoom, Skype, google hangout, jitsi?

    I don’t mean the main concern of privacy is not relevant, just the DDOS specifically shouldn’t concern hosts unless they are making daily profit from their website traffic.

    • @Delzur@beehaw.org
      21 year ago

      Banning IPS is not really going to help against ddos, you will still be flooded with incoming traffic

    • @LemmyPistoleroOP
      11 year ago

      are you able to link me to video guides on how this can be done then securely