Full-text search pages you annotated and bookmarked with highlighting and annotation for websites visited. No signup is necessary, and you can import from every major bookmarking service. IT has extensions for Firefox and all Chromium based browsers.

It is offline-first. All data is stored on your device for full privacy and is open-source code. Backup your data to any of your favourite cloud providers for syncing across devices.

See https://www.ghacks.net/2019/10/28/https-github-com-worldbrain-memex/

#technology #opensource #bookmarks #research #websites

  • @madeindjs
    23 years ago

    I use put all meaningfull links into tmp.md. On android, I use “share” feature of Firefox to Markor app. The link is autogenerate and I have only to add some notes to myself. Here an example.

    - [duck duck go](https://duckduckgo.com/), an interessing browser #privacy

    when I have some times, I reorganise theses links into more specific files like “privacy.md”.

    When thematic grow, I can consolidate this to build an intrrssing text, post or idea.

    • @sopuffy
      3 years ago

      This is interesting - one solid benefit over Memex is that it isn’t an extension, so this workflow can be adjusted for any browser. I could use it while browsing on Tor and I don’t need to worry about being fingerprinted.